From 17 to 22 October at the college was held a week substantive CCP natural and mathematical sciences. The aim of the week was to increase interest in cognitive science and math cycle, development of personality traits like sociability, logical thinking, ingenuity, intuition, knowledge, independence of judgment, persistence in achieving the goal.

All activities are carried out according to the plan of the week.

The opening of the week held in the lobby of the college in the form of presentation. On the same day held a public lesson in chemistry teacher Shubkova G.A. in the group of 314 E – 2 on “Glucose: structure, properties and application.” This lesson has created all conditions for the actualization of knowledge and personal communication students. Occupation contributed to the formation of core competencies in chemistry in research field.

October 18 conducted subject Olympiad in chemistry, physics, mathematics among first-year students. The event helped to activate the mental activity, the identification of gifted students, to increase interest in the subject of this cycle.

October 19 held integrated extracurricular activities in mathematics, physics, chemistry teachers Batyrhanova A.A. Alchimbaeva K.T, Iklasova M.T. in the form of intellectual game “At the intersection of the natural sciences.” The event showed the relationship of mathematics, physics, chemistry and other sciences, contributed to the development of skills in microgroup and tolerance towards each other. The event aroused great interest among the students.

October 20 teachers Zhaketova S.B. and Erdenova L.N within the framework of implementation of the program and subject polylinguism week conducted extra-curricular activities “Custom Game” among groups of students ARCH 319 – 1 and 328 ARCH – 1. The event contributed to the development of attention, memory, language abilities, improvement of communication skills in three languages (Kazakh, Russian, English).