Kolledj dırektory Arman Jaǵanuly Shamshın Qazan qalasynda ótken KNAÝF akademııasynyń “Sandyq oqytýdyń bolashaǵyna kózqaras” atty III halyqaralyq konferentsııasyna qatysty.

Konferentsııanyń maqsaty-sandyq oqytý, ǵylym jáne kásіbı qoǵamdastyqtaǵy ınnovatsııalar salasynda tájіrıbe almasý. Konferentsııaǵa vedomstvolyq uıymdardyń, odaqtardyń, bіlіm berý uıymdarynyń, bıznes-kompanııalardyń ókіlderі, 13 elden kelgen KNAÝF qyzmetkerlerі men serіktesterі qatysty.

The participants took part in plenary and panel discussions and visited the brightest boilers, where used, CFAUF in the construction and processing. The choice of the theme of the conference was determined by the method of choice by KNAUF priorities of its activities. The company strives to be ahead of the needs of its customers, to offer the necessary and promising solutions to the market, to build long-term mutually beneficial relationships with its partners.
As a result of the conference, the ways of development of the system of professional qualification were determined.