Архив записей

Visit of akim of Kostanay region Mukhambetov A. B.

On January 18, akim of Kostanay region Mukhambetov Archimed Begezhanovich visited our College in order to get acquainted with the conditions of training and the material and technical base of educational institutions of the city. As you know, the region is developing rapidly in the field of housing construction, so the preparation and provision of […]

Studying the CLIL technology

As part of the work of the young teacher’s School, the College held a training workshop on the topic: “planning a lesson using the CLIL model”. If you decipher this abbreviation, you will get: Content-subject/content , Language-language, Integrated-integrated, Learning-learning The seminar was prepared and conducted by a foreign language teacher, a teacher with the first […]

In the footsteps of your favorite fairy tales

It has already become a tradition at the architectural Department that students of the 1st year in the specialty Architecture and design, from the first days of training, perform creative tasks, demonstrate their creative abilities. One of the skills to write an essay about your choice of specialty and future profession in a free and […]

Architectural model

Architectural model

In a creative, interesting, and most importantly fruitful form, the students of groups 329 and 330 of the Arch-3 architectural Department had a practice in layout design. Under the guidance of A teacher of special disciplines, S. V. Shcherbina, the children worked on the implementation of the architectural layout of a 12-storey residential complex of […]

“The influence of destructive religious ideas on the consciousness of youth. Forms and methods of recruitment”

“The influence of destructive religious ideas on the consciousness of youth. Forms and methods of recruitment”

On January 15, 2020, in the reading room of the Kostanay construction College, a lecture was organized for students of the technical Department, groups # 353 Vtipo-1, # 341 Vtipo-2 on the topic: “the Impact of destructive religious ideas on the minds of young people. Forms and methods of recruitment”. The purpose of the event […]



January 14, 2020 in the building №1 and №2 was organized and conducted legal education with students with the participation of inspectors group yuvinalnaya police local police service yuop up Kostanai senior police Lieutenant Contineu A. J. and Lieutenant of police D. K. Kozovoy, the Coverage of students was 600 students. The district inspectors focused […]

International Olympiad “Horizons of knowledge”

International Olympiad “Horizons of knowledge”

From February 17 to March 13, 2020, the Ural state University of railway transport, together with the KOSTANAY construction College, will hold the IV International Olympiad in mathematics, physics and Russian language “Horizons of knowledge”. Detailed information about the Olympiad Can be found in the KAB.No. 6 (Methodical office) Regulations on the IV International Olympiad […]



Dear students!!! To determine the satisfaction of College students with the educational process, the administration of the College offers students of 1-3 courses to take part in the survey, answering the proposed questions. This material is necessary for further improvement of the educational process of the College. The survey is conducted until January 27, 2020