Архив записей

Happy Unity Day of the people of Kazakhstan!

Dear teachers and members of the college administration, dear parents and students! We heartily congratulate you on the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan! For our independent state, this is one of the most important holidays. The unity, peace and harmony of the people have always been the basis of well-being and prosperity […]

“Family and college: partners in raising a teenager”

“Only together with parents, by common efforts, teachers can give children great human happiness.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky A parent meeting is not just a form of communication between the family and the college, it is a place for receiving important pedagogical information, a platform for promoting the best work experience and relationships with children. In […]

Poem contest “May 9 – Victory Day”

As part of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Victory in World War II, the Kostanai Construction College hosted a reader contest “May 9 – Victory Day.” A literary contest was held with the aim of fostering a culture of poetic literary words and a sense of patriotism among students. Poems about war, […]

“We remember….”

On the eve of the great holiday, our students took part in the electronic presentation contest “We Remember ….” on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Victory in World War II. The aim of the competition was to popularize and develop the creative, intellectual and aesthetic potential of students’ personalities, to educate young […]

Message from the Director of Kostanay Construction College

Уважаемые студенты Костанайского строительного колледжа! Для предупреждения распространения коронавирусной инфекции в период пандемии с 16 марта 2020 года строительный колледж переходит на обучение с применением дистанционных образовательных технологий. В график учебного процесса внесены корректировки, в период с 16 марта по 05 апреля колледж проводит обучение с применением информационно-коммуникационных технологий, реализуя учебные программы в соответствии с […]

Prevention of psychoactive surfactants in the Kostanay construction college

Prevention of the use of psychoactive substances is a complex of social, educational, psychological and medical influences that are aimed at identifying and also eliminating the causes and conditions conducive to the spread and use of psychoactive substances. Therefore, psychological and pedagogical prevention is focused on the prevention of those factors, causes and conditions that […]