Архив записей

Best teacher of Kostanay region-2020

English teacher Yerdenova Lyazat Nasibulovna is recognized as the Best teacher of Kostanay region! The engineering and pedagogical staff of the College congratulates the teacher and wishes him victory at the Republican stage of the competition! Keep it up!

Summer platform of psychological support “Harmony»

Summer platform of psychological support “Harmony»

Kostanay construction College. Summer platform of psychological support “Harmony”. Goal: to create conditions for preserving and strengthening the psychological health of students, developing their personality, leadership qualities and creative abilities, as well as preventing self-destructive behavior during the summer holidays. Tasks: – creating a favorable climate in the collective among minors; – development and implementation […]

Кратксрочные курсы по специальности “Машинист насосных установок”

С 15 июня 2020 года в рамках программы ” Еңбек” на базе нашего колледжа начались 3-х месячные курсы по специальности “Машинист насосных установок”. На данные курсы Центром занятости населения Алтынсаринского района Костанайской области для обучения направлены 13 человек. Обучающиеся получать знания по дисциплинам “Эксплуатация насосного оборудования”, “Автоматика и телемеханика”, “Охрана труда и техника безопасности”, “Основы […]

Рубрика #выпускникикск #гордостькск

Рубрика #выпускникикск #гордостькск Наш выпускник Шартакбаев Арыстан Нурланович окончивший колледж в 2018 г. по специальности 1405000 «Монтаж и эксплуатация оборудования и систем газоснабжения» в ноябре 2018 г. был призван в Республиканскую гвардию Президентского полка на службу в СГО РК (служба государственной охраны), зачислен в роту почетного караула (РПК). 1 декабря 2019 года в День Первого Президента РК, […]

A kaleidoscope of bright events of 2019-2020 academic year

The 2019-2020 academic year for Kostanay Construction College was remembered by a kaleidoscope of bright events and crushing successes of our teachers and students In 2020, nao “Talap” conducted a rating of colleges in the country based on the results of the 2018-2019 academic year to assess the performance of colleges in Kazakhstan. 214 colleges […]

Successfully passed the first stage of post-accreditation monitoring

By the decision of the meeting of the IAAR accreditation council of June 9, 2020, the Kostanay Civil Engineering and Civil Engineering College successfully passed the first stage of post-accreditation monitoring and 6 educational programs. According to the Regulation on post-accreditation monitoring, the 2nd stage will take place in 2 years, according to the results […]

“Colors of good”

Today, our volunteers spent a truly bright and festive first day of summer. Children from the volunteer organization “Kraski Dobra” went to the center of our city to congratulate the youngest residents on the children’s day. About 100 children received a gift from the guys balloons and tasty treats from the sweet boutique “comme Il […]

One-time promotion ” Extend the hand of life”

On June 1, our College held a one-Time action “Extend the hand of life” among students and teachers. The campaign was held online for the first time, with more than 150 people taking part in the event. The initiators of the campaign are the Regional center for psychological support and additional education of Kostanay region. […]

Results of the drawing Olympiad

Two days on the basis of our College on June 28-29, an online drawing Olympiad was held for students who want to test themselves in the art of graphic drawing. In total, 5 students of Kostanay city schools registered to participate in this event. Recognized as the winners of the Olympiad with the highest number […]