Архив записей

List of applicants

Average score list on site_13082020 Average score list on site_12082020 Average score list on site_11082020 Average score list on site_10082020 Average score list on site_06082020 Average score list on site_04082020 Average score list on site_03082020  

Results of the entrance exam

Today, on July 24, the first creative exam was organized and held for applicants who submitted documents for the specialty: 1418000 “Architecture” and 1418023 “design Technician” in the subject of drawing through a video conference system in the ZOOM mobile app. Identification of the applicant’s identity was carried out 30 minutes before the start of […]

Prom – 2020

It was a sad and happy moment at the same time. Today our graduates leave the walls of their native College, and the period of professional life begins! Someone is going to study further and tomorrow to submit documents to Universities. You are free and open spaces can turn your head, take care of yourself […]


Our College summed up the results of the annual rating of groups. Traditionally, the winners are determined by the coefficient of participation of the group in College events. In order for the group to become a winner, it is necessary to take an active part in the life of the College and follow the rules […]

“Trying our hand”

TTS invest made an order for the development of a project for the Production of pipes and fittings in polyurethane foam insulation that will be built in the city of Nur-Sultan this project was carried out by a student of the group 343 ARH 2 Lashkevich Kirill and a teacher of special disciplines Sadykova A. […]

Final certification in the form of a demonstration exam in the specialty ” Construction and operation of buildings and structures»

In order to implement the State education program for 2020-2025 in the 2019 – 2020 academic year, the final certification in the form of a demonstration exam in the specialty: 1401000 Construction and operation of buildings and structures was held from June 23 to 26. Demonstration exams were held for the following qualifications: 140120 2-Specialist […]

Defense of diploma works of the architectural Department

Today, on June 23, students of the Architectural Department of the specialty “Architecture” defended their diploma projects with honor and dignity. Only history knows how many happy moments and how many disappointments there were during these four years. As the invited Commission noted, there are a lot of very good, complex works, and most importantly, […]

Итоги городской спартакиады среди колледжей 2019-2020

19 июня 2020 года в ГУ “Отдел физической культуры и спорта акимата города Костаная” были подведены итоги  городской спартакиады среди колледжей , проходившей на протяжении 2019-2020 учебного года. В данной спартакиаде наши спортсмены принимали акитвное участие по различным видам спорта таким, как: Волейбол Баскетбол Настольный теннис Лыжные гонки Шахматы Тогызкумалак В результате по итогам спартакиады […]