Архив записей

“Cеребро” на Worldskills Russia – 2020!

Подведены итоги Международного подпроекта EurasiaSkills проекта worldSkills Russia. Выпускник нашего колледжа Александров Иван представлял Казахстан на чемпионате по компетенции “Сухое строительство и штукатурные работы” и занял там почётное 2 место. Напомним, что чемпионат впервые проводился в онлайн режиме и проходил в течении 3-х дней. Мы искренне поздравляем Ивана и желаем ему дальнейших успехов и удачи!

Қазақстан халықтарының тілдер күні

Қазақстан халықтарының тілдер күні

22 қыркүйекте «Қостанай құрылыс колледжінде» «Қазақстан халықтарының тілдер күні» мерекесіне арналған оңлайн түрінде «Болашақта маған үш тілділік не береді?» – атты эссе жазылды. Бұл іс –шараға бірінші, екінші курс студенттері қатысты. Бұл мерекенің мақсаты студенттердің білімдерін, Қазахстанда тұратын әр халықтың тілдерін, ұлттық салт-дәстүрлерін, қызығушылық сезімдерін қалыптастыру студенттерді іскерлікке, тапқырлыққа, ізгі қасиеттерге баулу. «Болашақта маған үш […]

The beginning of the professional path

The beginning of the professional path

According to the work plan, a meeting of the School of Young Teachers was held at the college. The meeting was held online. This academic year 16 young specialists attend the School. The goal of the SMP is to provide practical assistance to young specialists in improving theoretical knowledge, improving pedagogical skills. At the beginning […]

Webinars Kostanay Construction College

Webinars Kostanay Construction College

As part of the “Family Club” for parents of 1st year students on September 17-18, 2020, the college psychological service held a training webinar on the topic “Psychological health of a teenager during distance learning.” The webinar was held remotely. Its participants were 50 parents of the first and second corps. Provided psychological service recommendations […]

Quarantine is not a hindrance to studies

Quarantine is not a hindrance to studies

In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, educational organizations were forced to urgently switch to a new education format and look for innovative educational tools. The college tries to quickly solve the tasks set by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and keep up with the times. In terms of […]



In the college online, under the leadership of the Deputy Director for NMR, an instructive and methodological meeting was held to explain the use of the point-rating letter system for assessing the educational achievements of students. The IMS was attended by chairmen of subject-cycle commissions, methodologists. Academic achievements (knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies) of the […]

Award for teachers

On the eve of the new academic year, members of our teaching staff were awarded prestigious awards: Breastplate “Bilim take isinin ormetti uyzmetkeri” – Ternovaya Olga Valerievna. Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Tatyana Vladimirovna Lovyagina. Letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of […]