Архив записей

Our curators are the best!

Today, the second, practical stage of the “Best Curator 2021” competition has started at the Kostanay Construction College. It was opened by a participant from the construction department Nichubay E.V. together with students of group 357 VTiPO-1. “Childhood, scorched by war” – this was the name of the Memorial evening, which took place in the […]

Industrial Training Masters Week

During the third day of the week of the PCC, the masters prepared a number of events designed to stimulate students’ interest in the subjects studied, develop technical skills, ingenuity, logical thinking, technical thinking, dexterity, and speed of reaction. On May 13, open lessons were held on the topic: “Drawings of building and technological structures”, […]

Learning to the standard

For masters and teachers of special disciplines, a seminar “Practical aspects of conducting a demonstration exam according to Worldskills standards” was held, which was held in a distance format. The seminar was conducted by the master of industrial training Soshkin A.V., where he introduced and spoke about the practical sequence of the procedure for organizing […]

Military-sports relay “Healthy Generation” as part of the PTSK week

The military-sports relay race dedicated to the Victory Day celebration was held between groups 366 MOSR-1, 363 MKA-1, 360-K-1 of the Kostanay Construction College. The organizers of this extra-curricular event were the masters of industrial training Leshchenko PS, Beisekeev A.Kh, Kuzdibaev OU. The relay began with a formation, safety briefing and rules for passing four […]

Open lessons on plastering technology

The second day of the week of the PCC of industrial training masters was varied and eventful. On this day, two open lessons were held, an extra-curricular event dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, a seminar “Practical aspects of conducting a demonstration exam according to Worldskills standards.” Master of […]

Open lessons of industrial training took place

Within the framework of the subject-cycle commission of masters of industrial training of the Kostanay Construction College on May 11, open events were held. Master p / o Penkin E.S. conducted an open lesson of industrial training on the topic: “Brandenburg masonry”. This lesson was conducted in a group in the group 360-K-1. The master […]

Exhibition of handicrafts

Within the framework of the week of the subject-cycle commission of masters of industrial training in the foyer of the college of the second building, an exhibition of handicrafts was organized. The exhibition featured handicrafts made of wood, glass, baskets made of newspaper tubes, models of furniture, door and window blocks were also presented. The […]

Another field exit!

The cadets of the military-industrial complex “Typhoon” of the Kostanay Construction College, according to tradition, made a military field exit for the purpose of tactical and topographic exercises in the field. The military field exit took place within 2 days. On the second day, pupils of the Zhas Sarbaz patriotic movement arrived at the camp. […]