Архив записей

Winners of the VII Regional Championship “WorldSkills Kostanay -2021” in the competence “Dry construction and plastering”

The last day of the competition of the VII Regional WorldSkills Kostanay -2021 Championship in the Dry Construction and Plastering Competency has been completed. Over the course of two days, 5 participants performed the most difficult, voluminous and physically difficult work, corresponding to two modules of the test task. According to the results of the […]

Competitions in paramilitary cross-country among the military-industrial complex

May 20 on the basis of the Troebratskaya secondary school with. Troebratskoe of Uzunkolsky district, open regional competitions among 8 military-patriotic clubs in paramilitary cross-country were held. The team of the military-industrial complex “Typhoon” of the Kostanay Construction College also took part in them. According to the results of the competition, our team of 14-15 […]

Kostanay Construction College has chosen the “Best Bricklayer”

The results of the competition of professional skills in the competence “Bricklaying” have been summed up in the Kostanay Construction College. This competition was attended by 5 contestants – students of the Kostanay Construction College, Auliekol Agricultural College, a representative of the organization LLP “BK Stroy”. For a certain time, the participants erected two modules: […]

State support for working youth. Zhasyl El program

What to do during your summer vacation? For those wishing to combine business with pleasure, the optimal solution would be participation in the state program “Zhasyl El”, where you can earn money, make new acquaintances and help the ecology of your region. This program gives the opportunity for students to study during the summer holidays […]

Our curators are the best!

The college continues the activities of the practical stage of the professional skills competition “Best Curator 2021”. Today, a participant from the department of ORSTP Vakhabova G.I. held an intellectual game “By the Laws of the Streets” with students of her group 363 MKA-1. The curatorial hour was aimed at the professional specialization of students […]


The VIІ open regional WorldSkills Kostanay-2021 championship is being held at the Kostanay Construction College. This year, six students are taking part in the “Visual merchandising” competence: students of the Rudny College of Technology and Service SI Smagulova, A.Yu. Kuzmina; students of the Kostanay Higher College of Kazpotreb Union Nuranova Zh.I., Umbetova V.D, students of […]

Results of the championship of blue-collar professions …

For the first time, on the basis of the Kostanay Construction College, the WorldSkills championship in the competence “Painting and decorative works” (Abilympics) was held, in which representatives of two colleges took part. Kostanay Construction College was represented by Anatoly Kozin and Daniil Talnikov, Arkalyk Polytechnic College was represented by Utbaev Nagashibek. Within the framework […]

Excursion to the construction site

On May 19, under the guidance of the head of the department Tastembekova D.B. and the teacher of special disciplines B.K. Konarbaeva, an excursion of students of the Kostanay construction college of group 8ҒҚSP-1 to the facility of Aқtөbe sulet LLP took place. This trip allowed the children to see the process of construction of […]

I choose a profession – a builder!

Today the second participant of the competition “The best curator of 2021”, teacher of special disciplines B. Konarbayeva, held a curatorial hour “I choose a profession – a builder!” The event was entirely devoted to the professional orientation of students of group 5ҒҚSP-3. The curatorial hour was held in the form of an intellectual game, […]