Архив записей

Another graduation group is taking a demo exam

On June 17-18, within the walls of the Kostanay Construction College, the final thesis is held in the form of a demonstration exam for group 339 CM-3. The purpose of the demonstration exam is to test knowledge and skills based on the standards of the WorldSkills national championship. So, specialists in the dry method of […]

Spent on a well-deserved rest

The director of the Kostanay Construction College, who made a significant contribution to the development of education, Arman Zhaganovich Shamshin, took a well-deserved rest. In a solemn atmosphere in front of the whole team, the head of the education department of Kostanay region Zaure Baimenova noted the merits of a qualified and respected leader, thanked […]


In the project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the German Society for International Cooperation GIZ on dual training in colleges and universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in construction specialties, together with the KNAUF firm, KGKP “Kostanay Construction College” acts as a partner educational institution. In the […]

Our students completed an order for the School Museum project

Students of group 344 D-3 of Kostanay Construction College Chernyshov N., Temikh V., Krivonos M. upon completion of the practice “PM 05 Interior Design” handed over their first project, which they carried out for secondary school No. 1., Tobyl. Director Smadyarov K.S. and the head teacher for educational work Zubova N.N. turned to the teacher […]

Measurement practice of students

From May 24 to June 26, 3rd year students of the specialty “Architecture” of the Construction College have a measurement practice. This type of practice should form students’ skills in carrying out work related to the study and depiction of existing buildings and their details in the drawings. The constituent parts of the measurement practice […]

Our curators are the best!

So the competition “The best curator of 2021!”, Which was held in order to popularize curatorship, as one of the main components of teaching in college, has come to an end. One representative from each branch took part in the competition. The most talented and worthy contestants were selected! The participants went through three stages: […]

Jumped for glory

On June 7, a skipping competition (jumping rope) was held at the Kostanay Construction College. Competitions were held in three stages: “On time”; “Endurance”; “Freestyle” – in 1 minute you need to do the largest number of tricks with a rope. According to the results of the competition, the following winners and prize-winners were identified: […]

Industrial practice of students of a construction college

Industrial practice is an integral part of the educational process. Students pass it directly in organizations corresponding to the profile of their future specialty. This practice is as close as possible to real professional activity. Employers, on the other hand, during the practice of students get the opportunity to look closely at potential employees, to […]

“Marathon of Good Deeds”

Group 363 MKA-1 within the framework of the “Marathon of Good Deeds” together with the volunteer detachment “Region 10” helped Eduard Knyaginin, a motorcycle racer known throughout the USSR, to clean up the yard. It so happened that he worked with children all his life, brought up many champions in karting and motorcycle racing, and […]