Архив записей

Dear applicants and their parents!

The choice of a future specialty or profession, admission to college is the most important stage in the life of young people, one of the difficult questions that arise at the beginning of life. And it is very important to make the right decision, choosing exactly that specialty or profession that will allow you to […]

July 1 – National Dombra Day

On July 1, Kazakhstan will celebrate a national holiday – National Dombra Day. A book exhibition “Dombra – Kazakhtyk zhany” – “Dombra is the soul of a Kazakh” was organized in the library of the Kostanay Construction College. The exhibition presents interesting facts about the history of the creation of dombra, myths and legends about […]

Congratulations to our KVN players!

On June 25, in the hall of the recreation center “Miras”, a game for the KVN Cup among student teams of the Kostanay region took place. Our guys – “Women’s team of the Kostanay Construction College” took part in the game. The game was held in the format of one competition – “Greetings”. According to […]

Dear teachers and staff of the college!

Congratulations on the end of the school year! It was different for everyone, for someone it was a life lesson, a new discovery, important events, for someone it was another portion of knowledge, skills, and abilities. It was simple or complex, but for each and every one – full of thoughts, conclusions, plans. Let the […]


According to the results of the competition for the best scientific project dedicated to the Kazakh model of social harmony and national unity of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy N.A. Nazarbayeva, with the participation of representatives of ethnocultural associations, a 2nd year student of the Kostanay Construction College with a […]

Defense of graduation projects

June 23 ended the first day of the defense of graduation projects for students of the architectural department, specializing in “Architecture”. Of the 25 who defended, 13 defended with excellent marks, 12 defended well. The competent commission highlighted a number of high-quality, complex and original projects: “Construction College” (V. Pesotskaya, T. Sagitukaz); Fire Station (A. […]

In group 331 D-4, graduation projects were defended.

The guys demonstrated their wonderful works, which showed painstaking work. The students were divided into groups, in which each of them completed their own project. The guys were assessed by a competent jury headed by Olga Novitskaya, director of the Olga Novitskaya Design and Interior Studio, and Anastasia Ikoshina, the designer of this studio. The […]

The 2021 admissions campaign starts on June 25.

?? Dear applicants and parents! You can submit documents through the electronic government egov.kz. When submitting documents, have an EDS (electronic digital signature) with you. If the applicant is a minor, then the EDS of one of the parents (guardian). An adult applicant (18 years old) must have a personal digital signature with him. All […]