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A solemn meeting with a concert program dedicated to the Teacher’s Day was held in the Kostanay Construction College. The administration, the primary trade union organization and the Student Office congratulated the teachers of the college on Teacher’s Day. The words of gratitude, deep gratitude for the fruitful work, professionalism, patience, wisdom and wishes of […]

Excursion to the museum of I. Altynsarin

In honor of the 180th anniversary of Ibrai Altynsarin, the curator of group 9 ҒҚSP Urazbayeva Danagul Tanzharganovna organized and conducted an excursion to the Kostanay Regional Memorial Museum named after I. Altynsarin. In the museum of the famous Kazakh teacher-educator Ibyray Altynsarin, 1st year students learned about the life and pedagogical activity of this […]

Happy Wisdom Day!

October 1 … On the first day of the second autumn month, it is customary to celebrate the International Day of the Elderly? Older Person’s Day, which should remind elders to be helped and respected, is of great importance to the whole of society???? Volunteers of the Kostanay Construction College, together with the primary trade […]

Bicycle ride dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the 180th anniversary of Y. Altynsarin and Teacher’s Day

In honor of the anniversary dates, a bike ride was held in the Kostanay region dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Ibrai Altynsarin, the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Teacher’s Day. It was attended by teachers of physical culture of the Kostanay Construction College Bragin V.I., Sharafutdinov A.O., […]

Glory to the man of labor!

The celebration of Labor Day is another good tradition that has been revived. The main goal pursued by the state and trade unions by organizing festive and planned events dedicated to Labor Day is to raise the status and authority of blue-collar professions, revive the traditions of working dynasties in families, stimulate labor productivity, attract […]

Completion of the EuroSkills European Skills Championship

Austria hosted a large-scale European championship in professional skills – EuroSkills Graz 2021. About 400 people from 31 countries took part in the championship. Student of the Kostanay Construction College Ivan Aleksandrov – represented Kazakhstan. According to the results, he took 6th place in the Dry Construction competence. Recall that the championship was held in […]

Take care of your health!

On September 24, students of the Kostanay Construction College attended a lecture by the youth resource center of the Kostanay region, the main topic of which was the provision of first aid. For all comers, the lecture was conducted by the paramedic of the polyclinic №3 of the city of Kostanay. The physician showed the […]

Visit of the Director of the TVE Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the colleges of the Kostanay region within the framework of the “Zhas Maman” project

On September 27, the director of the TVE Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ospanova Nasimzhan Zhambekovna visited the Kostanay Construction College. During the visit, the director of the college Kadyrov Serikbay Kamzovich acquainted with the progress of the project “Zhas Maman” in the college. To date, educational […]

Competitions in support of a healthy lifestyle!

On September 25, a city tournament in kettlebell lifting and arm wrestling was held under the motto “We are for a healthy lifestyle”. In these competitions, a student of the Kostanay Construction College Ilinykh Ruslan took 3rd place in kettlebell lifting. Physical education teacher Artyom Olegovich Sharafutdinov took 3rd place in arm wrestling. Congratulations!