Архив записей

Prevention of drug addiction among young people

In the city palace of culture “Miras” held an event to prevent the use of psychoactive substances under the slogan “Say NO to drugs! The purpose of which is to inform young people about the harmful effects of new types of synthetic drugs, the formation of a negative attitude to psychoactive substances, a clear understanding […]

Kettlebell lifting competition

On November 19 passed championship of Kostanay Construction College on kettlebell lifting among students of 1-4 years. And not only boys, but also girls took part in the competition. Competitions, directed on propagation of a healthy way of life, popularization of systematic occupations by physical culture and sports, allowed participants to compete in strength and […]

“Learning to forgive wrongs.”

On November 19 the psychologist of KSU “Youth Resource Center of Kostanay region”. Mnaidarova Z. N., with the assistance of the teacher-psychologist of Kostanay Construction College Allaverdiyeva N. E. in the group 366 MOSR-2 conducted training on the theme “How to keep personal space, learn to forgive injuries and overcome conflict situations. The event began […]

На встрече обсудили вопросы религии и молодежи в современном мире

On the 19th of November the imam of the mosque named after Jailaubay-Ata Syzdykov Yerlan Omirbekuly conducted a lecture for students of the first year group 9-ҒSP on “Youth and Religion”. The conversation was directed to forming of sense of responsibility; strengthening of patriotism and love to homeland; appeal of youth to humanity and preservation […]

Say No to Drugs!

On November 17 in Kostanay Construction College police officer Captain Kuntazina A. together with the inspector of DP Kostanay, Major Yeradilova A. held a lecture for students on “No to drugs”. They told about deadly harm of drugs and preventive work which is carried out now on struggle against drug addiction. Also there were discussed […]

“Planet of Tolerance”.

On November 16 in the library of Kostanay Construction College in connection with the celebration of the International Day of Tolerance an event in the form of a dialogue – conversation “Planet of Tolerance” was held. The purpose of this event was the formation of the tolerant attitude of students, respect for the rights, individuality […]


On November 12, Kostanay Construction College with a working visit visited the manager of the Project Management and Social Partnership of “Talar” JSC Yerlan Uteuliev. The purpose of the visit was to familiarize with the work of the institution on the implementation of the project “Zhas Maman” and the effective use of the purchased equipment […]


An international scientific and practical online conference dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the outstanding Kazakh educator, teacher, public figure, poet-writer of the 19th century Ybrai Altynsarin was held at the Kostanay Pedagogical College. The continuation of the conference was a sectional session, in which more than 100 teachers from the regions of the Republic […]

How to protect yourself from cyberbullying?

Educator-psychologist of Kostanay construction college Tshanova G.N. at an online meeting of the family club, she discussed the topic “Cyberbullying among minors” with the parents of students. She told how to resist online aggressors and fraudsters, how to ensure the safety of children on the Internet. We advise teenagers to seek support from teachers and […]