Архив записей

Encouragement and punishment in the family

The pedagogue-psychologist of Kostanay Construction College Tshanova G.N. held a meeting of the family club on the theme “The system of punishments and encouragements in parental pedagogy”. The aims of the meeting: to discuss with the parents the problem of encouragement and punishment of the child in the family; to show the advantages of non-violent […]

“Students, students are happy people!”

Public Association “SOCIUM & I” among combined teams of colleges of Kostanay region conducted Photo-cross “Students, students are happy people! Photo-cross among students was carried out with the purpose of creation of conditions for interesting and meaningful leisure of youth. Promotion in youth environment the photo art as the accessible way of self-expression. According to […]

List of public services provided at the college

In accordance with the Register of public services Kostanay Construction College provides 8 public services: 1) provision of dormitory for students in technical and professional education; 2) issuing duplicates of documents on technical and professional education; 3) acceptance of documents to organizations of technical and professional, post-secondary education 4) issuance of certificates to persons, who […]

COVID-19 vaccination outreach talk with students

December 3, an employee of the medical center “Stomed” Baldyrgan Murzatayevna Jalmagambetova met with students of Kostanay Construction College on the issue of vaccination against new coronavirus infection Covid-19. Baldyrgan Murzataevna gave a preventive talk on the topic: “Vaccination from Covid-19”. During the meeting the basic concepts of vaccination, the order, the general requirements to […]


CONGRATULATIONS to Ludmila Musina with the publication of the article “Personality-oriented approaches in education”! The text of the article is placed in the proceedings of the international scientific conference “PRIORITY DEVELOPMENTS OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION”, organized by the portal of scientific conferences – kazconf Center “Bilim Innovations Group” in November 2021. According to the results […]

Preventing Religious Extremism

On December 2, for the first-year groups 9GҒSP-1, 10GJKP-1, 11BE-1 of Building College an event was held on the theme: “The influence of destructive religious ideas on the conscience of young people. The forms and methods of recruitment. The aim of the event was to form the knowledge about the danger of destructive religious organizations, […]

Information about the activities of Call Center 1424 of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Counteracting Corruption (Anti-Corruption Service)

The Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Counteraction of Corruption (Anti-Corruption Service) has a Call Center, the main purpose of which is to provide free advice to citizens on combating corruption and receiving telephone reports of corruption offenses. You can provide information about corruption by calling 1424. The call is free throughout Kazakhstan.

Republican online Grand Tournament “I am an Entrepreneur” among college students of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The College of the International Academy of Business in Almaty. Almaty held the Republican online Grand Tournament “I am an Entrepreneur” among colleges, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the competition was to support and develop the entrepreneurial initiative of the young generation. “Kostanay Construction College” […]

“Educator’s Design Thinking.”

The Kostanay Construction College held another meeting of the Young Teacher’s School. The training for young teachers was held by the teacher of special disciplines Tertyshnik Olga Sergeevna. The aim of the training – to determine the most important criteria for success of the teacher, creation and development of the image of a teacher able […]

ICT block of the WorldSkills competition

In Kostanay Construction College passed the intra-college stage of the competition Worldskills Kostanay-2021 in the field of information technology. The main purpose of which was the selection for the regional stage. The participants of the competition under the eyes of the experts solved the most difficult tasks, relevant in today’s digital world. Each competency required […]