Архив записей

«Роль родителей в жизненном самоопределении юношей и девушек»

25 февраля педагогом-психологом 1 корпуса Тшановой Г.Н. было проведено очередное заседание семейного клуба на тему «Роль родителей в жизненном самоопределении юношей и девушек».На повестке заседания были затронуты вопросы о жизненном самоопределении подростков, роли родителей в выборе профессии детей, сепарации детей от родителей, формуле ХОЧУ-МОГУ-НАДО.Данная тема набирает актуальность в наши дни, так как, к сожалению, многие […]

Экскурсия в музей Департамента внутренних дел Костанайской области

25 февраля курсанты ВПК “Арыстан” Костанайского строительного колледжа посетили музей Департамента внутренних дел Костанайской области.Обзорную экскурсию провел хранитель музея Департамента полиции Костанайской области Дельмухамбетов Т.М. Он рассказал об основных этапах становления органов внутренних дел Костанайской области и основных задачах, которые стоят перед сотрудниками ведомства.В музее курсанты могли увидеть различные экспозиции, обширный материал представленный на многочисленных […]

“About the heroes of our time!”

On the eve of the first spring holiday “Thanksgiving Day” the library staff of Kostanay Construction College organized a library lesson “About the heroes of our time!” with the invitation of the poet and novelist Aleksandra Ilyinichna Suslova. Alexandra Suslova is the author of numerous textbooks and books, prose and poems for children, a graduate […]

VIII interregional student scientific-practical conference in the international format “ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION

On February 22 the VIII interregional student scientific-practical conference in the international format “ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION” took place in St. Petersburg. The students of architectural and construction departments of Kostanay Construction College took part in the conference. Within the framework of the conference there was a competition of students’ projects on the theme “Residential building […]

Art therapy training

On February 21 the teacher-psychologist Tshanova G.N. in the student dormitory of the college held training with elements of art therapy on “Reducing the level of anxiety through creative self-disclosure. Art therapy gives everyone the opportunity to express their inner world through creativity. The students were offered isotherapy exercises to help them discover their creative […]

Quality training of specialists – in cooperation with business

On February 21 in Kostanay a ceremony of signing of tripartite memoranda on patronage of large enterprises of the region over organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary education was held. Memorandums were signed between the Department of Education of Kostanai region, LLP “BK-Stroy” and Kostanai Construction College, as well as between the Department, JSC “Rudnyy […]


On February 17-18, 2022 in ChIPS UrGUPS International Student Scientific and Practical Conference “SCIENCE AND PRACTICE – 2022″ was held. The students of Kostanay Construction College Krat V., Mazitova Z., Maksimova A., Irzhanova A., Askarov B. took part in the conference. Statements of the participants of the conference were devoted to the results of the […]

“COMMUNITY POWER: Strengthening the Capacity of Communities to Work with Youth Suicide”

On February 19, the teacher-psychologist Allaverdieva N.E. conducted a training webinar for teachers of the college within the training project “COMMUNITY POWER: community capacity building to work with youth suicide,” which is held in 10 regions of Kazakhstan. The webinar consisted of two parts – theoretical and practical. The theoretical part of the webinar covered […]

Training “Turning Aggression into a Positive

On February 18, Allaverdieva N.E., a teacher-psychologist, held a meeting-discussion “Agree – Disagree” with students living in the college dormitory. The meeting included a conversation, and then training exercises for the correction of aggressive behavior. The goal of this meeting was to give each student an opportunity to clarify his or her views on the […]

Training “AIDS is not an accident”

On February 18, Usembayeva K.U., the tutor of the college student dormitory, conducted a training on HIV/AIDS prevention and control for students. The goal of the training was to raise awareness of students on HIV/AIDS-related issues; develop skills to prevent HIV infection among young people. During the training, she told the students and gave reliable […]