Архив записей

“To the Sports Movement – Our Respect”

On the eve of the holiday “Day of Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan” the “Spring Sprint – 2022” was held between the teams of girls of the dormitory of Construction College and the dormitory of the House of Youth. The purpose of this event was the propaganda of a healthy way of life, consolidation […]

“How to build a trusting relationship with an aggressive teenager. Recommendations for Parents.”

The pedagogue-psychologist of Kostanay Construction College Tshanova G. N. within the framework of the family club conducted a parents’ meeting on the theme “How to build a trusting relationship with an aggressive teenager. Recommendations to the parents”. The parents of the students of groups 371 SSEZS-1c, 372 CM-1, curators of the groups and the head […]

The Best Educational Event 2022 contest continues!

The practical stage of the competition “The best educational event”, aimed at improving the professional skills of our supervisors is coming to its conclusion. Today the intellectual game “My future profession” was held by Salmagambetova S.S. The event had a bright career-oriented orientation. Saparbayevna was able to activate the intellectual activity of students, as well […]

“Sex Education – Preventing Early Pregnancy”

On April 13th the psychologist of the Youth Health Center “Jastar MED” Eleusizova-Kim Angela Altayevna met with the girls in the student dormitory of Kostanay Construction College on the topic “Adolescence and puberty, unwanted pregnancy”. The main factors and subjective reasons which induce teenagers to have early sexual relations were considered during the discussion and […]

Sexual education of adolescents in conversation with HEW specialists

On April 14 the medical officer of Kostanay construction college Eginbaeva G. Z. invited the specialists of HLD Kostanay railway hospital Sarana G. Ya. and also the youth center “Jastar MED” Eleusizova-Kim A. for a preventive conversation with 1 year students on the theme “Psychological health, puberty, prevention of early pregnancy and STIs”. During the […]

“Sexual Inviolability of Minors”

In order to prevent the growth of crimes against sexual inviolability on April 14 the teacher-psychologist Allaverdiyeva N.E. held a discussion on “Sexual Inviolability of Minors” for the 1st year students. The event had an explanatory nature of the provisions of the law providing criminal liability for crimes against sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of […]

“Subbotnik is not only on Saturday

On April 14, students and teaching staff of Kostanay Construction College came out for Clean Thursday. Students were actively cleaning the college grounds: collecting trash left over from the winter, cleaning the park from twigs and dry leaves, whitewashing trees, and loading trash into the car. The sun was shining bright and everyone had a […]

The Best Extracurricular Activity 2022 contest continues!

The practical stage of the “Best Extracurricular Event” competition, aimed at improving the professional skills of our curators, continues. Today open curatorial hours were held by Krestinina L.S. and Batyrkhanova G.B. Conducted events clearly demonstrated fundamentally new approaches to the organization of extracurricular activities in the organizations of technical and vocational education and training. Lyudmila […]

Preventing Religious Extremism

On April 13th in the assembly hall of the college for the groups 359 Arch-2, 368 D-2, 8 KSP-2 was held an event on the theme: “Destructive religious organizations. Dissemination of destructive content in the Internet environment”. Police Major Tuyganov M. S., member of regional IRG, Head of Training Center for correctional system specialists in […]

Talk “We Choose Life” on substance abuse prevention

Students of Kostanay Construction College met with Gulsum Bisembaeva, psychologist of Kostanay Regional Mental Health Center. The meeting was organized by Nadezhda Tikunova, a social pedagogue at the college. Together they conducted a preventive conversation about the harm of substance use, gave examples from personal observations. Psychologist Gulsum Aitzhanovna conducted a discussion in an accessible […]