Архив записей

Vocational guidance work in Arkalyk

April 15, as part of career guidance work teacher of Kostanay Construction College Karshalov K.S. held a meeting with 9th grade students of Arkalyk. During this meeting the audience was introduced to the activities of the college, the children were told in detail about the specialties and the rules of admission. High school students received […]

Parents’ meeting “Vocational guidance for high school students”

In school № 23 in the 9th grades were parental meetings, where guidance counselors of our college Nichubay E.V., together with representatives of the Student Parliament Vyrodova O. and Resnyanskaya T. held career guidance work. Parents were shown a video about the college. Elena Vladimirovna told in detail about the achievements and successes, the history […]

Paintball is an active game

Pupils of the military-patriotic club “Arystan” spend their weekends actively. Last weekend, the head of the club organized a paintball game. “Paintball is an active kind of recreation, a game of real men, a person reveals his best qualities in it: courage, mutual support, teamwork skills”, – says the teacher of military recreation Akanbet O. […]

“Reading Youth.”

The students of the second course of the group No. 357 BTiPO-2 under the direction of the curator Mamedova M.I. and librarian Velgosha G.V. visited the event, prepared by Regional library for children and youth named after I. Altynsarin. “Reading Youth”: a review of modern fiction, was held with the aim of improving the culture […]


On April 12 and 13, 2022 Ufa State Petroleum Technological University within the framework of the Spring Housing and Communal Services Forum the XI International Scientific and Technical Conference of Students, Postgraduate Students and Young Scientists “Water Supply, Sewage and Environmental Protection Systems” was held. Angelina Maximova Maximova and Alma Irzhanova, 371 SSEZS gr.371 first-year […]

Checkers Championship

April 15 passed championship Kostanay Construction College checkers among students of 1-4 courses. The winners and prizewinners were determined as follows: Boys: 1st place – Diyar Kazhigaparov, 2nd place – Madi Zhusupbek, 3rd place – Temirlan Myrzash. Girls: 1st place – Julia Churikova. Congratulations!

City-wide cleanup day

In order to make not only the streets of the city, but also the yards and areas adjacent to houses, parks and squares look favorable, the City Akimat organizes a month of sanitary cleaning, landscaping and beautification. The staff of Kostanay Construction College did not stand aside and contributed to the care of the city. […]

“Eco-Subbotnik” on the waterfront

There was a volunteer action on the embankment of the 25th anniversary of Independence aimed at collecting garbage, organized by the youth wing of the party “Amanat”, which was attended by students of Kostanay Construction College. The action is held annually on the same day, and is aimed at improving the environmental situation in our […]