Архив записей

“Best Author.”

For the fifth year the editorial board of the educational newspaper “Uchitelskaya plus” of Kostanay region selects five best authors among teachers to award diplomas and prizes at the end of the school year. The winner of the contest “Best Author” was named Deputy Director for scientific and methodical work of Kostanay Construction College Olga […]

“Best Guidance Counselor.”

On June 15 on the basis of Rudny social and humanitarian college named after I. Altynsarin the regional competition “The best vocational guidance counselor” among organizations of technical and professional, post-secondary education of Kostanay region was held. The purpose of the competition is to identify new approaches to the organization and coordination of vocational guidance, […]

Seminar-workshop “Methods of problem-based learning

As part of the School of Young Teachers in the college held a seminar-workshop “Methods of problem-based learning. In order to provide methodological assistance to young teachers, the teacher of general education disciplines Gerya Vera Grigorievna held a training seminar on “Methods of problem-based learning. The aim of the seminar was to consider the types […]

A tour of the production facility

On the 14th of June public organization “Republican Council of gas industry veterans” on Kostanay region together with Kostanay branch of “KazTransGas Aimak” JSC for the students of group 358 MEOSG-2 and 7 GKZHKP-3 on specialty “Installation and operation of equipment and gas supply systems” a lecture on the safe use of natural gas in […]

“Mukhtar Auezov – the Pride of Kazakh Literature”

In 2022 it will be 125 years from the date of birth of the largest Kazakh writer, prominent public and statesman, academician of Academy of Sciences of Kazakh SSR Mukhtar Omarkhanovich Auezov. As the part of the anniversary celebration the library of Kostanay Construction College prepared the book exhibition: “Mukhtar Auezov – Kazakh literature pride” […]

The finals of the “Two Stars” contest

On June 10, the final stage of the “Two Stars” competition was held in the college auditorium among the teaching staff and students of the college. The final stage was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Manshuk Mametova, the hero of the Soviet Union. Duets passed to the final with the following scores: – D.R. […]

Basics of legal culture

On June 11 a round table on the topic “Analysis of modern legislation on the formation of legal culture of students” was held. During the event the student activists came to the conclusion that the legal culture is a necessary quality of the personality of the student, because modern society needs people with an active […]

Anti-drug campaign “Your Choice”

As part of the media plan of the month, timed to the International Day against Drug Abuse in Kostanay Construction College held an agitation campaign “Your Choice”. Volunteers talked to the guys about the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, acquainted them with the consequences of taking drugs, formed a negative attitude to the use of […]