Архив записей

Отборочный тур на Международный конкурс «Spelling bee»

On September 24, Kostanay construction College held a qualifying round for the international competition”Spelling bee”. Teachers of English and the head of the American corner Ksenia Cherneva gathered 35 College students who are interested and know English. Participants were evaluated by a competent jury: Batyrhanov Gulbanu Batyrkanova – lecturer of English, College of civil engineering; […]

Тіл – халықтың жаны

September 21 in Kostanay construction College hosted the event “Til – Halit Jany”, devoted to Day of languages, an oral magazine among 1st year students. The event was attended by 4 – 6 students from each group. Students sang the national anthem of Kazakhstan.  Oral journal consisted of 3 parts. The first part of “historical […]

Шебердің Қолы Ортақ

18.09.2018 Event dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the opening of the Torgai school!  The founder of this school is Ibrahim Altynsarin. Teachers of special subjects S. Jeenbaeva Astana and St. Burbaeva S. in charge of the College organized an exhibition of works by students of the architectural Department! According to Ibray Altynsarin,: “Serving for […]

Областной слет военно-патриотических клубов «Жас әскер»

From 13 to 15 September 2018goda in the recreation camp “Altyngul” was held regional meeting of military-Patriotic clubs “Zhas Asker”, which was attended by 15 best military-Patriotic clubs of Kostanay region. The organizers of the meeting was KSU “Regional center for the development of additional education of Kostanay region”. Upon arrival at the place of […]

Встреча со студентами специальности “Вычислительная техника и программное обеспечение”

13 September in the walls of the College held a meeting, a lecture by students 1 and 2 courses of specialty “computing and software” with the Deputy of it Director of Kostanay construction College by Muhametrahimova E. B. and students of 3-4 courses of the specialty “computing and software”. The purpose of the event – […]

Экскурсия в компанию «PROFI SOFT»

On 14 September the students of computing and software 341-1 was a tour to the company “PROFI SOFT” involved in developing professional software for over 10 years. In this company the specialists certified by 1C firm who constantly improve the knowledge and skills work. Students from the College were met by the Deputy Director – […]