Архив записей

Возрасту хвала и честь

In Kostanay construction College held a solemn event dedicated to the day of the elderly On the eve of the programme “Rhani air” the students organized the whole complex of charitable activities consisting of assistance to seniors and leisure activities for them. The final touch in a series of events was a festive concert. Its […]

Всемирный день архитектуры

World architecture day is an international professional holiday of architects and connoisseurs of architectural masterpieces, celebrated annually on the first Monday of October. For students of the architectural Department this holiday will become a traditional professional holiday.  Training in the specialty “Architecture”, conducted in the College since 2006, over the years of training, many of […]

Доброе сердце

In the international day of older persons 1 October, a group of 344 D-1 carried out the action “Kind heart” visited the Veteran Husak Gregory Davidovich was awarded the order of the red Star, Patriotic war of the 1st century medals: “For military merit”, “For liberation of Warsaw”, “For capture of Berlin”, “For victory over […]

День национальной культуры

День национальной культуры

Students of the group 344 D-1 Architectural Department visited the house of Friendship, where the traditional Day of national culture was held within the cultural and educational project “Kazakhstan”. At the event for the first time in the city was organized an exhibition of skullcaps. It received 20 caps, including Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tatar, Azerbaijan. Their […]

Профилактика правонарушений

From 3 to 29 September 2018 in groups of 1-2 courses organized and conducted hours of communication on the prevention of crime, involving local police inspector days of GUIP police Department of the city of Ondrusov B. A. In interviews, the inspector drew the attention of students on administrative and criminal offences, the morality committed […]

Конкурс “Шоу талантов”

September 28 in the walls of our College held a competition “talent Show”. 1st year students demonstrated their skills and talents in three categories: Instrumental performance Vocal Choreography The competition was attended by representatives of almost all groups of the first year. The guys played instruments, sang and danced, both solo and friendly team. The winners […]

КГКП “Костанайский строительный колледж”

КГКП “Костанайский строительный колледж”

The profession of the builder is very ancient. Thanks to historical architectural buildings, we can learn a lot about the life and culture of the ancestors. Many buildings have reached our days, their age is measured in thousands of years. Their experience of the master of construction passed on from generation to generation. Every year […]