Архив записей

«STOP – Коррупция»

11.10.2018 in Kostanay construction College in the framework of the action plan on combating corruption was organized a training on the topic:”Formation of anti-corruption policy among young people.” The training was prepared and conducted by the cadets of the 3rd year in Kostanay Academy of the Ministry of internal Affairs of RK named after sh […]

Первые шаги в профессию

The College held the first meeting of the School of young teacher. This school year, 15 young professionals attend the School. For acquaintance and team building with young teachers psychologist bulegenova N. E. conducted training. Head of the methodology center Mukanova K. B. familiarized the teachers with methodological recommendations to the development of curricula based […]

День учителя

The profession of a teacher combines wisdom and youth of the soul, creativity and great energy, kindness and rigor! Teacher-a proud title, which in life are only the most deserved and worthy! On the eve of the professional holiday our teachers received awards: 1.Diploma of the Ministry of science and education awarded head of the […]

Профессия учить!

In Kostanay construction College loudly and in a big way celebrated teacher’s Day. For our teachers, first-year students independently organized a festive program. The concert program included a flash mob, dances, songs, playing musical instruments, but the highlight of the evening was an interactive program – an analogue of the Project of the first channel […]

Игра красок нашей жизни

In Kostanay construction College in the framework of the program “Rouhani ganguro” opened the creative exhibition of the member of the Union jodoigne RK, Alexander Zakharchenkov. More than 30 works were able to see Kostanay intellectuals and students of the College, where since the beginning of the school year Alexander teaches special subjects. Throughout his […]

Экскурсия группы 334 К-2, 333 СМ-2

5 Oct 2018 students of the construction Department of the group 334 K-2, 333 CM-2 of the specialty “Construction and operation of buildings and structures” qualifications “Mason”, “Specialist dry method of construction,” under the guidance of teachers of special disciplines Golubchenko, V. A., Ishchenko G. A., Semykina tn. the tour visited under construction objects of […]

Болашақ мамандыққа саяхат

Within the framework of cooperation between KSP “Kostanay construction College” and JSC “BC-STROY”, by prior agreement, students of group 5 SEZS-1, who master the specialty “Construction and Operation of buildings and structures” in the state language, went on a trip on October 4. At the beginning of construction of students and teachers met the foreman […]

Объектовая тренировка

Object trainings are the most perfect form of preparation of educational institution for actions in the conditions of emergency situations of peace and war time. When carrying out site training, practical activities provided for by the “action Plan for the prevention and elimination of emergencies” are carried out, the main attention during the training is […]

Областные соревнования по мини-футболу среди колледжей Костанайской области

Regional mini-football competitions were held in Kostanay within the framework of the 7th Spartakiad among colleges of Kostanay region. Participation in the tournament has taken 13 teams. The team of Kostanay construction College in the first game showed a good result, playing in a draw with the first team, while the opponents determined us by […]