Архив записей

Встреча с политическим деятелем

On October 25, 2018, the students of the multilingual group met with William White, an Intern of the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan. The meeting with the politician was held in the American corner in English. The discussion theme was “University education in the United States,” was held in the framework of implementing the provisions of […]

«Читай и путешествуй»

October 25, 2018, in the framework of the program “Rouhani Gair” – “Kitap – Bilim bylagy”, the first-year students of group № 340 SETS-1 under the guidance of the curator of Batyrkanova G. B. and head. library Velgosha G. V. attended the event, prepared by The regional youth library. I. Altynsarin. The talk-quiz “Read and […]

Урок мужества для студентов

24 November in Kostanay construction College was a lesson of courage for students of computing and software 341-1 342-BRAIN-1, with the participation of soldiers-internationalists. To begin with, everyone was shown a small documentary, briefly telling about the war in Afghanistan, which lasted for 10 years: 1979-1989.d. Since the stories of the participants of those events […]

«Тілі бірдің – тілегі бір» республикалық жастар форумы

Deputy akim of the region on October 24, 2018 in Kostanay with the participation of Zhundubaev S. K. held a seminar on the topic:”language is the key to the knowledge of the soul of the people.” – the event was attended by students of Kostanay construction College,namely students from 5 PNNA theme Jannat,Nurgaliyev Bagdad,Fazylov Salamat,student […]

Ознакомительный визит

October 22 was organized a study visit by a group of 340 SETS-1 at the company “BC-Market”. The tour consisted of familiarization of building materials and their use in practice. After the students listened to a brief presentation, they were given the opportunity to see the finished work. We were shown the construction tools necessary […]

Посвящение в стиле «Гарри Поттер»

The traditional event “Dedication of freshmen”was held in Kostanay construction College. This year, the student Council decided to create a performance in the style of the world’s bestseller fantasy “Harry Potter”for new students. Second-year students have brought to life a fairy-tale story, drawing an analogy of training in the construction College with the famous magic […]

Чемпионат по преодолению военизированной полосы

14 Oct 2018. the stadium Kostanay construction College championship to overcome a militarized obstacle course among military-Patriotic clubs Kotniski region included in a “Kostanay regional branch of Public Association “Federation of military sport clubs” RK. It was attended by military-Patriotic clubs of Kostanay, Fedorovsky districts, as well as the city of Kostanay.  The championship was […]

Новые механизмы взаимодействия с социальными партнерами

In order to search for forms of constructive cooperation in the issue of training and employment of graduates of construction profile on October 12, the College held a round table “training of specialists for the construction industry in the region: problems and prospects”. The event was attended by representatives of LLP “BK-STROY”, LLP “Promstroyproekt”, RSE […]

Выставка Члена союза художников Быкова Вадима Вячеславовича

12.10.2018 The opening of the anniversary creative exhibition of Kostanay artist Vadim Bykov took place in the picture gallery of Kostanay. The exhibition presented creative works in the field of painting and drawing, as well as demonstrated mixed art techniques. Students of Kostanay construction College, departments of architecture and design noted the diverse style of […]

Семинар по теме «Методы деятельности нетрадиционных религиозных объединений»

11 October 2018 in Kostanay construction College through the work of IRG on the prevention of religious extremism for the first year students of technical Department groups No. 341 computing and software-1, No. 342 MAASH-1 hosted a seminar on the theme “nontraditional Methods of activities of religious associations”. The seminar was prepared and conducted by […]