Архив записей

Республиканский конкурс “Жас Толқын”

31 October, the Regional art gallery Kostanay took place the ceremony of awarding the participants of the Republican competition “Zhas Colin”. Our students took an active part and got good results. Students graduates: Mukasheva Salina, Leushina Elizabeth, Gosina Daria received certificates for their participation.  Student group 313D-3 Dastanov Zhaksylyk received a diploma of audience sympathy, […]

Экскурсия группы 319 АРХ-3

November 2, students of group 319 ARCHITECT-3 called for the construction of LLP “Arkh STROJJ SERVIS”. In their place kindly met representatives of construction, headed by the Director of LLP by Aituganova Ingeteam Magellanicum, who is also a graduate of the construction College. At the site the students were accompanied by the foreman of the […]

«Ұлылардың ұлысы – Абай » атты әдеби-сазды кеш іс шарасы

In Kostanay construction College 02 Nov held a literary – musical evening “Ulylardyn Lysy-Abai”. The purpose of this event-familiarity with the moral life of the great poet, a review of his works,expressive reading poems.Promotion of the heritage of the great Abay, Proverbs, philosophical thoughts.This event was held among representatives of other nationalities and students who […]

Экскурсия группы 318 АРХ-3

November 1, 2018 students of group № 318 ARCH-3, together with the teacher for architectural design Ishchenko G. A. made a tour of construction sites of residential houses in the city of Kostanay (the developer of IP “Adminov”). As the proverb says:” it is Better to see once than hear a hundred times”, students – […]

Профессиональная проба

31.10.2018 years at the construction of the College was conducted by a professional tryout under the guidance of the master of inservice training on the dry method of construction Soshkin Andrey Viktorovich. In order to demonstrate and demonstration lesson, as invited were ninth-grade students playing in the football school Tobol. Being a master, Andrey Viktorovich, […]

Покори небо!

At the airport of the aviation sports club of Kurtamysh, the cadets of the military-industrial complex “Typhoon”, after passing the appropriate ground training and passing tests, made a parachute jump. Weather, mood and instructor-parachutists aviasportklub contributed to this ! For the guys, skydiving was a real test of courage and willpower. Not everyone is able […]

Экскурсия в аэропорт

On October 27, 2018, students of the architectural Department of 2,3,4 courses, participants of the contest of projects “airport of the future” visited the excursion to JSC “Kostanay international airport”.  We received comprehensive information from the head of the security service of Mazon, the organization, the mode of operation of the terminal, the main premises […]

Экскурсия группы 340 СЭЗС-1

In the regional library for children and youth named after I. Altynsarin was an excursion for first-year students of group 340 SEZS-1. The tour was aimed at getting acquainted with the culture, sights and history of England. The work was carried out in three stages. At first, the tours told about famous writers and poets […]