Архив записей

«Дружба в современной литературе»

November 21, 2018, in the framework of the program “Ruhani Zagyru” – “Kitap – bilimy blurs”, first-year students of the group № 341 VTIPO-1 under the guidance of the curator Salkenova M.K. and head. library Velgoshey G.V. attended an event prepared by the Regional Youth Library. I. Altynsarin. The guys took part in a creative […]

Экскурсия на стройку

In the framework of the subject “Architectural Design” and on the eve of the course project “Multi-Storey Residential House”, students of the architectural department of groups 319 and 328 accompanied by teachers Mukhina P.V. and Lovyagina T.V., visited an informative tour of the object under construction – a residential building: four-storey, double-access, 16-flat with parking […]

Конкурс видеороликов « Край родной, навек любимый»

Today, students of groups 331, 335, 334,337,332 took part in the contest of videos “Edge native, forever loved”, dedicated to shaping the culture of the younger generation, intellectual, creative and aesthetic development of students through computer technology. Students adequately presented their videos and received well-deserved marks. The first place went to a group of 331 […]

Экскурсия в «Специализированный межрайонный суд по делам несовершеннолетних Костанайской области (ювенальный суд)»

On November 19, 2018, students of the group 5SEZS-1 had an excursion to the “Specialized Interdistrict Juvenile Court of the Kostanay Region (Juvenile Court)”. The purpose of the tour was: the prevention of crimes and unlawful acts among minors. First-year students in the amount of 12 people attended the trial under article 442 of the […]

Неделя ПЦК Информационно-вычислительных дисциплин

From November 12 to November 17, a week of the CEC of Computational Information Disciplines was held in Kostanay Construction College, during which special events, lessons and seminars were held by teachers of special disciplines. So, on November 13, the teachers Salkenova M.K. and Tertyshnik OS held an open extra-curricular event called “Acquaintance with the […]

День открытых дверей

In order to provide vocational guidance for students completing a school course, who will soon have to make a choice of a special educational institution to master a certain profession, on October 17, 2018, the Day of Open Doors was held at Kostanay Construction College. The college was visited by future graduates of ninth grades […]