Архив записей

Производственное обучение

During the period of industrial training in group 336 specialty “Installation and operation of equipment and gas supply systems”, November 29, 2018, students of the group and teacher of special disciplines Timikina T.N. conducted an excursion to the enterprise of SaryarkaAvtoProm LLP, in order to get acquainted with the production process, technology, equipment, as well […]

Экскурсия в АО «Казпочта»

In order to familiarize with automated electronic processes, on November 29, the group 323K-3 and teacher Tertyshnik OS visited with an excursion JSC “Kazpost”. Today Kazpost JSC is the postal service operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which represents the Postal Administration of Kazakhstan in the Universal Postal Union and is one of the basic […]

Экскурсия в краеведческий музей

Students of the building and architecture department of the groups 321, 315 visited the local history museum of Kostanay on November 29, 2018. Guides familiarized students with the history of their native land in different periods of development of the region and city. They told about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, home front […]

Экскурсия группы 332 СЭЗС-2

For future builders, it is important not only to study subjects in special disciplines in classrooms, but also to see the process of building construction objects with their own eyes. For this purpose, teachers of special disciplines Ischenko G.A. and Semenova L.I. organized a tour of the construction site on November 29, 2018. The construction […]

Посещение музея Департамента полиции Костанайской области и ЦОУ

On November 28, 2018, the cadets of the military-industrial complex “Typhoon” had the honor to visit the museum of history and military glory of the police (militia) of Kostanay region and the Center of Operational Management of the city of Kostanay. It was an interesting, memorable event, which caused great interest among the cadets. This […]

Игра «Брейн ринг»

November 28, 2018, within the framework of the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan for the formation of an anti-corruption culture within the walls of the institution “Kostanay Higher Economic College of Kazpotrebsoyuz” an intellectual game “Brain Ring” was held among the students of the VET Kostanay region. The event was held in conjunction with the […]