Архив записей

In the creative workshop

In order to form a love for the beautiful, enhance the creative potential, increase the interest and motivation of students to study art, February 14 with groups of 320 and 331 specialty “Design” under the leadership of The artist, Was organized a meeting with the artist Andrey Viktorovich Ariskin in his creative workshop. At the […]

Meeting of multilingual students

12 February 2019 in the school gymnasium named after M. Gorky took place the meeting of students of multilingual groups 319 Architecture-3 with the Manager of JSC “Center for international programs” Gulmira Takeway.   The meeting was attended by students of colleges of Kostanay. The representative of the center spoke about the principles of selection of […]

The results of the substantive week of the CCP natural-mathematical disciplines, physical education and CWP.

The results of the substantive week of the CCP natural-mathematical disciplines, physical education and CWP.

С 4 по 9февраля в Костанайском строительном колледже прошла предметная неделя естественно-математических дисциплин, физического воспитания и НВП. Для предметов естественно-математического цикла данная неделя проводилась с целью повысить познавательный интерес к предметам естественно-математического цикла, способствовать развитию таких качеств личности как коммуникативность, логическое мышление, смекалка, интуиция, эрудиция, самостоятельность в суждениях, упорство в достижении цели и юмор. Для […]

Graduation Meeting – 2019

February 9, 2019 in Kostanay construction College held a traditional meeting of graduates. The College opened its doors again for its graduates. Although many of them have long been adults, business, respected people.  How many years passed! And the faces of the graduates, as many years ago, family, kind, cheerful. Years only strengthen the bond […]

Regional competitions in bullet shooting in Karaganda

08-09 February 2019 on the basis of the shooting range of secondary school № 17 of Karaganda held 10 traditional competitions in bullet shooting from air rifles at the “Cup of soldiers-internationalists of Karaganda region”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the withdrawal of OKSVA from Afghanistan and the 27th anniversary of the armed forces […]

Republican Olympiad. K. Satpayev

Students of the specialty “Construction and operation of buildings and structures”, “Architecture” took part in the Republican Olympiad. K. Satpayev on technical disciplines, organized by the intellectual center “Urker mitec”, Astana. The Olympiad is dedicated to the outstanding scientist – doctor of geological and mineralogical Sciences, Professor, academician, founder and first President of the national […]

A series of trainings “Prevention of conflict situations among adolescents”

At present, the situation of childhood development has changed dramatically all over the world. Tense social, economic, demographic, environmental problems cause the growth of negative trends in the formation of the personality of the younger generation. Among them, special concern is caused by the progressive alienation, increased anxiety, spiritual disorientation of children, the increase in […]

Open day for parents

February 2, 2019 in Kostanay construction College held an open Day for parents of ninth grade schools №7, №16, №17, №19,№115 Kostanay city. For them in the foyer were exhibited relpy with information on all specialties of the institution, consultation with teachers of special disciplines, tours of the College, in which was demonstrated the material […]

Professional tests with students of school number 4

2.02.2019 years at the technical Department of Kostanay construction College, passed professional tests with students of school № 4. The guys had a tour of the College. During the excursions, teachers and masters of industrial training introduced students to the material base, equipment classrooms, workshops, gym, fitness center, demonstrated the possibility of educational processes and […]

Regional competition “The best cyclic methodical commission”

Subject-cyclic Commission of the computing disciplines of our College under the chairmanship of D. G. Casanovas was recognized as the best among the region, the results of the next round. It was held today, 30 January and included three phases – the card, the exhibition of methodical production and the meeting of subject-Cycling Committee. It […]