Архив записей

Nur-Sultan – our capital!

Nur-Sultan – our capital!

Students of Kostanay construction College support the initiative announced by the President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev to rename the capital of Astana to Nur Sultan. Youth leaders of the College consider the initiative timely and necessary primarily for the country’s residents and the younger generation. After all, the First President of Kazakhstan – Nursultan Nazarbayev for […]

Spring Festival!

Spring Festival!

Students of our College took part in the celebration of Nauryz in the Central square of Kostanay! Representatives of the student activists and teachers spoke to numerous guests of the event. In addition, students of the architectural Department presented their trading tent with handmade dolls, models of the city’s attractions and paintings. Happy spring festival […]

Flashmob in support of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Concerned students took part in the flashmob in support of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Nursultan Nazarbayev. Phenomenon N..Nazarbayev researchers associated primarily with the achievements in the implementation of reforms, the nature of the political situation in the Republic, mental and psychological characteristics of the population of Kazakhstan. Our independence, friendly […]

Жігіт Сұлтаны-2019

The last competition “Zhigit Sultany” showed the talents and skills of the stronger sex of the College! The results of the competition won Tolybai Changshan with 3 groups SP-3. KSK press Center congratulates the winner and wishes further success!

Sports competitions among college students

Sports competitions among college students

On the eve of Nauryz holiday in College there were sports competitions among College students! The guys played tug of war, male and female arm wrestling. Tug of war: 1.343 ARCHITECT-1 2.332 SETS-2 3.330 ARCHITECT-2 Arm wrestling among young men: 1. Sunev Vlad- 2. Poor Andrew-340 SEZS-1 3. Ruslan Nalgiev Results among women’s arm wrestling: […]

College debate tournament

Today on the basis of our College there was a debate tournament among Kostanay colleges for the Cup of the Director of Kostanay construction College on the theme: “Formation of patriotism of the young generation in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution of Kazakhstan” 7 colleges took part in the tournament: CHU College “Zerek”, […]

Open Day for parents and students of city schools

Open Day for parents and students of city schools

In order to provide professional guidance to students on March 16, 2019, Kostanay construction College held an open day For parents and students of the city schools. Our educational institution was visited by future graduates of schools №17, №11,№30 of Kostanay, p. Zarechny, as well as parents of school students№5,№4, №6,№1,p. Friendship. For them in […]

Holiday Nauryz came to our college!

Holiday Nauryz came to our college!

March 15 in the gym of the construction College held a competition “Tea Friendship”, dedicated to the holiday “Nauryz”. All 4 departments presented their nomination, which fell to them at the draw on March 3. Thus, the architectural Department presented the Tatar nation, the technical Department had the opportunity to present the customs and cuisine […]

General regional dictation in the Kazakh language

General regional dictation in the Kazakh language

13-го марта студенты и преподаватели Костанайского строительного колледжа вместе написали общеобластной диктант по казахскому языку. Писали его на латинице. Осенью такие диктанты прошли по всей республике. Костанайская область решила их повторить. У Костанайского общеобластного диктанта есть отличия от прошлого республиканского. Объем текста увеличился. Вместо 80 слов стало 130. Диктуют его преподаватели, в прошлый раз нужно […]