Архив записей

Prevention of delinquency among underage students

Prevention of delinquency among underage students

For the purpose of prevention of offenses among minor students, on April 10 in College organized and carried out working lines, with participation of district inspectors of yuop up Kostanay Shalova K. B..  Gantemirov G. S. Kuanysheva I. H., which clarified students ‘ rights and responsibilities to society. Students ‘ attention was focused on the […]

Excursion to the “Specialized Interdistrict Juvenile Court of Kostanay Region”

Excursion to the “Specialized Interdistrict Juvenile Court of Kostanay Region”

09.04.2019 year for students groups 342МЭОСГ-1, in the framework of the preventive work was organized and conducted excursion to “specialized Interdistrict juvenile court of Kostanay region» The purpose of the tour was: prevention of crimes and illegal acts among minors. First-year students in the number of 13 people attended the trial under Art. 75 deprivation […]

Regional seminar “The introduction of innovative approaches to the organization of educational work on the way to the formation of a modern graduate model”

Regional seminar “The introduction of innovative approaches to the organization of educational work on the way to the formation of a modern graduate model”

On April 5, a large-scale training seminar on educational work on the topic “Introduction of innovative approaches to the organization of educational work on the way to the formation of a model of a modern graduate” was held on the basis of Kostanay construction College, which was useful and timely within the Year of youth […]

The results of the ranking of colleges of Kazakhstan in the results of 2018

The results of the ranking of colleges of Kazakhstan in the results of 2018

The center for human resources development conducted a rating of educational institutions in 2018 (the results are published on the website of the electronic labor exchange www.enbek.kz.) This is the first comprehensive and systematically built tool in the territory of Kazakhstan and the entire post-Soviet space, which reflects the quality of education through the tracking […]

“His name is the pride of the people”

“His name is the pride of the people”

March 29, students from 329 Arch-2, together with the teacher of special disciplines by Daniyar Burbaeva the Serikovich attended the event, “His name is the pride of the people.” This event was held within the framework of the project “Road map”. Alexey Kulikov, Chairman of the public Fund “Perekrestok”, was invited to the meeting, which […]

Round table “City of the Future – Kostanay”

Round table “City of the Future – Kostanay”

On March 29, Kostanay construction College held a Round table “City of the future – Kostanay”. The round table was attended by third year students of the groups 319 ARH-3, ARH 328-3 and 320 D-3 and teachers of special subjects Filatova E. V., Sadykov A. J., Utemov S. K. and head of the architectural Department […]

Courses “budget case”

Courses “budget case”

During March, on the basis of KSP “Kostanay construction College” short-term courses “Budget business” were held under the guidance of the teacher of special disciplines Nazarkenova K. Zh. During the course, students had the opportunity to study the basics of the budget business, legislative and regulatory acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regulating the composition, […]

Organization of work with gifted students

Organization of work with gifted students

As part of the work of the School of the young teacher on March 28, the College held a coaching “Organization of work with gifted students”. The lesson with the teachers was held by the Chairman of the CCP social and economic disciplines, lecturer of the highest category Nicobi Elena The content of coaching is […]

Персональная выставка преподавателя специальных дисциплин Волковой Надежды Александровны

Today in the hall there was a presentation of the personal exhibition of the teacher of special disciplines Volkova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna. The Director of the College Shamshin Arman Zhakanovich spoke about the importance of creativity and love for art, and then the floor was taken by head of architectural Department Gulsara Baydusenova Zakharchenko and Alexander. […]