Архив записей

Excursion gr.342MEOSG-1

Excursion gr.342MEOSG-1

The tour took place on 27 April on the territory of the residential complex on the street. Since there are no special disciplines in this group in the first year, the purpose of the excursion was to get acquainted with the specialty. The panel reviewed existing gas pipelines in multi-family homes. This tour was connected […]

Afghanistan – the pain of the soul of a soldier

In Kostanay construction College in teacher leadership public Nicobi Elena held an open extracurricular activities on the theme: “Afghanistan is a pain of the soul of the soldier.” Students of group 332 and 340 on a speciality Construction and operation of buildings and constructions took active part. The participants of the war in Afghanistan were […]

KVN league final for college director’s cup

KVN league final for college director’s cup

All good things come to an end. That ended the domestic League of KVN on the Cup of the Director of the Construction College. The final was played with 4 teams: the Department Daibu -“Baursaks” , Architectural office “No need to be ashamed,” Kostanay higher school of Economics – “the Legion,” and the team of […]

Summing up the total dictation!

Summing up the total dictation!

Total dictation — a voluntary free dictation for everyone, which takes place in one day around the world. On April 13, more than 1200 cities of 81 countries took part in this event at 3 939 venues.  Around the world (and even in the air) the action gathered 236 284 participants, which is almost 9 […]

Open Programming Contest

Open Programming Contest

April 24, 2019 at Kostanay University.A. baitursynova held an open Olympiad on programming among College students majoring in “Computer science and software”. The purpose of the Olympiad is to improve the quality of training in the field of information technology, the development of students ‘ interest in deep study of programming, identification and promotion of […]

Regional Scientific and Practical Conference “Ways of Development of Innovative Directions in Educational Organizations of Kostanay Region”

Regional Scientific and Practical Conference “Ways of Development of Innovative Directions in Educational Organizations of Kostanay Region”

23 APR 2019 Torgay humanitarian College. N. Kulzhanova G. Arkalyk held a regional scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the College on the theme “Ways of development of innovative directions in educational institutions of Kostanay region”. The purpose of the conference: the development of changes aimed at the result and dissemination […]

Excursion of groups 330 and 329 Arch-2

Excursion of groups 330 and 329 Arch-2

24.04.2019 college groups 330-329 Architect-2 headed by the architect, a member of the Union of architects P. V. Mukhin visited religious sites of the city of Kostanay. Peter Vladimirovich in an informative form told students about the history and architectural structures: mosques, synagogues, churches and the Catholic Church of our city. He told about the […]

Championship RK on militarized cross

Championship RK on militarized cross

From 20 to 24 April 2019 in Aktobe, the championship of Kazakhstan on paramilitary cross among boys and girls in two age groups of 14-15 years and 16-17 years was held. As well as the tournament of the Republic of Kazakhstan on shooting from an air rifle among girls 14-15 and 16-17 years old, dedicated […]

Open Day for students of vocational – technical college

Open Day for students of vocational – technical college

In order to familiarize students of vocational College with the conditions of training, leisure opportunities in extracurricular time, the development of creativity and material resources on April 24, 2019 in Kostanay construction College administration, volunteers from among the students organized tours of the educational institution, during which teachers and masters of industrial training introduced students […]