Архив записей

Taıfýn ” maı APK jeńіsі”

Taıfýn ” maı APK jeńіsі”

Uly mereke – Keńes halqynyń fashıstіk Germanııany jeńgen kúnіnіń 74 jyldyǵy qarsańynda «Taıfýn» ÁPK kýrsanttary osy kúnge arnalǵan kóptegen іs-sharalarǵa qatysyp, uıymdastyrdy. 2019 jylǵy 4 mamyrda bіzdіń kýrsanttar QR Ulttyq gvardııasynyń № 6697 áskerı bólіmіnde ótken áskerı qyzmetshіler men Qostanaı qalasynyń áskerı-patrıottyq klýbtary arasynda áskerı bólіm komandırіnіń kýbogy úshіn áskerı ánder baıqaýyna qatysty. Saptyq alańda […]

Gala concert dedicated to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland

Gala concert dedicated to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland

Today in the auditorium of our College held a concert dedicated to may 7. Teachers and students of the beautiful half of the College congratulated the men on the upcoming holiday on may 7 – defender of the Fatherland Day. The program of the event included KVN, vocal, dance and instrumental performances. The College administration […]

Excursion to the school of technical creativity

Excursion to the school of technical creativity

Group 337 computing and software – 2 and 335 computing and software – 2 vahabova the teacher And visit the school of technical arts with the purpose of acquaintance with the latest novelties in the field of robotics. Mostly students studying in College from rural areas, and it was very interesting to visit a place […]

“I choose life”

In the framework of the program “I choose life”, in Kostanay construction College teacher-psychologist Bulegenova N. E. there are trainings for first-year students. Exercises and games are held in an atmosphere of mutual trust, and most importantly, students leave after classes with bright smiles!

We study BOPPPS (BOPS) technology

As part of the work of the School of young teachers in College held a seminar “Organization of independent work of students in the classroom on the basis of the integration of the methodology of the COR ( BOPS)”. If you decipher this abbreviation, you get the following: In – Bridging – in ,O – […]

The best teacher of special disciplines

The best teacher of special disciplines

In accordance with the work plan of SI “Department of education of Kostanay region akimat” on April 29, the regional competition “the Best teacher of special disciplines”was held. The aim of the Competition was to identify new methodological approaches in the teaching of special disciplines and to stimulate the creative activity of teachers of special […]

Results of the rating of organizations of TIPO of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Results of the rating of organizations of TIPO of the Republic of Kazakhstan

As part of the implementation of the SPES PLAN for 2019, NAO “holding “Kasipkor” held a Rating of organizations of technical and professional, post-secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the Rating was to evaluate the activities of colleges of Kazakhstan and create additional motivation to improve the quality of educational services […]

Parent-teacher meeting

From April 22 to April 29 in groups of 1 course group parent meetings were held.  Forms meeting the curators have chosen a variety: round tables, discussion platforms, oral magazines, the work of the parent meetings was attended by the psychologist of the College bulegenova N. E. precinct inspector yuop up Kostanai Salova K. B., […]