Архив записей

In unity is our strength!

On October 12, 2019, our College held a College-wide parent-teacher meeting. Traditionally, parents of first-year students gathered in the Assembly hall to represent the administration of the College, heads of departments and to acquaint the parent community with the achievements of the institution. Special attention in the agenda of the parents ‘ meeting was paid […]

Excursion to the construction site as an innovative form of training

For the innovative development of the construction industry of Kostanay and Kostanay region, highly qualified workers are needed. Such specialists are trained in Kostanay construction College. And by tradition, every year under the guidance of curators and masters of industrial training, together with first-year students, sightseeing and thematic excursions to the construction sites of social […]

Meeting with a representative of Kostanay neuropsychiatric center, psychologist Isinbayeva G. A. and a representative of the DEA DIA Eradilova A. K.

10.10.2019 in the Assembly hall of Kostanay construction College there was a meeting of students with the representative of Kostanay psychoneurological center-psychologist Bisinbaeva G. A. and the representative of DEA DIA Eradilova A. K. on the theme: “lessons of sobriety. Influence of narcotic substances”. The purpose of the event: preservation of health, awareness raising, education […]

Training on cohesion

The purpose of the training: group cohesion and building effective team interaction. “Cohesion is an opportunity for the team to become a single entity to achieve specific goals and objectives. You have common goals-studying in this College, getting a good education, an excellent diploma! And in order to achieve these goals more effectively, all of […]

The facility training

The readiness of students and teachers to evacuate in case of fire was checked in Kostanay construction College. About a thousand people took part in the annual training session. Object trainings are the most perfect form of training of educational institution for actions in the conditions of emergency situations of peace and war time. When […]

The Spirit Of Astana

What does it cost to build a house! So they say about people whose professional holiday is celebrated on the first Monday of October. We are talking about The international day of the architect. No modern building can be built without the participation of the architect. On October 7 students of group No. 355 ARCH-1 […]

The final of the competition ” IT-PLANET 2018/19″

On October 7, a solemn awarding ceremony was held in Moscow, where the names of the winners who successfully passed all the tests were announced. The winner in the categories “Unlimited opportunities” (2nd place), ” Robofabrika “(3rd place) was the winner of the Golden book of youth, 4th year student of the construction College Ryumin […]

Happy teacher’s day!

Dear our teachers! Congratulations on world teacher’s day! We appreciate the generosity Of your loving hearts, your patience and understanding, dedication and love for your students! We wish you the strongest health, vigor of body and spirit, joy from Your hard work and every success in your personal life! May you be surrounded by respect […]

Zero tolerance for offences

Within preventive work in College on October 2 the meeting of students with the local inspector on Affairs of minors of yuop up of Kostanay Aldashev A. A. took place.Coverage made 75 students. The purpose of this event is to prevent juvenile delinquency, improve legal awareness, literacy of students. Aldashev A. A. conducted explanatory work, […]


October 1 is considered to be the international day of the elderly. On this day, people of the Golden age are given special attention: they give numerous bouquets of flowers, sing songs and dance. According to tradition, a festive concert was held in our College, where the administration of the College and student activists congratulated […]