Архив записей

“The art of living together”

During the event, students were shown a video about tolerance, which began the conversation about tolerance.  It was said that the whole world celebrates the day of tolerance on November 16. This day is a reminder of how fragile our world is and how valuable every person in it is. They gave a definition of what […]

The course “Conflicts and ways of their solution»

09.11.2019 year in groups of technical and construction profiles teacher-psychologist Smirnova V. V. and curators of groups was held a single training on the topic: “Conflicts and ways to solve them.” The purpose of which is the formation of students ‘ understanding of the nature of the conflict, the development of the ability to adequately […]

Excursion to the Museum of local lore DVD

On November 8, 2019, group 353 of Vtipo-1 visited the local history Museum Of the Department of Internal Affairs. This year the Museum celebrated its 47th anniversary. The Museum is located in the building of the DVD on the street Baimagambetova. The tour was conducted by Nazira Tsymbalyuk, who told the whole history of the […]

Training ” Formation of positive life attitudes»

2.11.2019 year in groups of technical and construction profiles teacher-psychologist Smirnova V. V. and curators of groups was held a single training on the topic: “the Formation of positive life attitudes.” The purpose of which is to maximize the promotion of mental health and personal development of adolescents, the formation of psychological readiness for self-determination […]

Training session “Reproductive health»

According to the work plan of the teacher-psychologist for the month of November in Kostanay construction College specialists of the center of HLS 01.11.2019 was held a training session “Reproductive health”. The following first-year groups took part in the lesson: gr.355, gr.356, gr.353, gr.347, gr.7), gr.6 months. Only girls were invited to the lecture. Coverage […]

Communication on the team building training

Purpose of training: 1.Increase of adequacy of own representation about itself and perception of others; 2.Growth of individual responsibility for achievement of personal goals and solution of actual communicative tasks; 3.Actualization of individual resources, psychological self-correction-approximation to the state of internal harmony and balance 4.Growth of communicative openness and quality of communication; 5. Mastering the […]

Intellectual game “100 to 1”

October 29, 2019 in Kostanay construction College, technical Department, specialty “computers and software”, with the aim of developing cognitive interest, creative activity, develop the ability to Express thoughts, to simulate the situation, repetition of the main program material, expressed in extraordinary situations, respect to the opponent, ability to adequately wage dispute, steadfastness, will to win, […]

Sobriety is the norm of life

On October 28, 2019, within the framework of preventive work with students, in order to form students ‘ skills of responsible, health-saving behavior, raising awareness of students of different age categories on the prevention of consumption of psychoactive substances, a round table on the topic “prevention of drug addiction among minors”was organized. The round table […]

Results of the essay competition

Here are the results of the essay contest among the first courses on the topic ” Why I want to become…» Teachers of the Russian language have worked out a large number of works. Each student told his story of admission to the construction College . The guys told us how the idea of choosing […]