Архив записей

“I dedicate art to the country”

This year, in order to implement the program “rukhani zhangyru” 125 years since the birth of the great Kazakh poet Ilyas Zhansugurov. In this regard, in Kostanay construction College hosted a meeting with local poets-poets “Nerd Elme of Armymen”. Guests of the evening zhyrshi-termeshi agamyz Alpysov Nagashybay, born in the village of Torgay Albar boget, […]

International student scientific-practical conference ” APPLIED RESEARCH: ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY”

In order to support and develop the creative research potential of students of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, to attract them to active research activities, to identify and support gifted students on December 11, 2019, the international student scientific and practical conference “APPLIED RESEARCH: TECHNOLOGY and TECHNOLOGY”, organized by the Chelyabinsk Institute […]

Oral journal “History of independence. Kazakhstan way”

The chronicle of modern Kazakhstan begins on December 16, 1991. It was on this day that the constitutional law “On state independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”was adopted and entered into force. Over the years of independence, Kazakhstan has become a country that occupies a worthy place on the world stage. The whole country, the […]

Round table “Technology goal-setting lesson”

As part of the work Of the school of the young teacher in the College, a training seminar was held in the form of a round table on the topic: “technology of lesson goal-setting”. The seminar was prepared and conducted by experienced teachers of social disciplines teachers with the highest category of Jackets S. B. […]

Round table “My profession-my future”

December 6 in our College students 3 NCE-4 and 4 NP-3 gathered at a round table on ” My profession-my future.” The specially invited Director of the limited liability partnership” Kostanay Zhobakurylys ” Gabdullin Serik Baghdatovich told the students about how he achieved success, and told that he will work and work. Profession is an […]

Information about the event on the prevention of religious extremism

December 6, 2019 in the Assembly hall of Kostanay construction College for first-year students of the Polytechnic Department, groups number 6 GKSP, NUMBER 7 GKZHZHKP was organized a lecture on the topic: “the Negative nature of destructive religious organizations. Forms and methods of recruitment”. A member of the regional IRG, police major, head of the […]

Excursion to the regional Kazakh drama theater Omarova

On December 5 of the current year students of group 6 NPPP-1 and group 5 NPPP-2 together with teachers visited the regional Kazakh drama theater.I. Omarova performance dedicated to Shamshi Kaldayakov “Anim sen Edin”. In the world of Kazakh song there is no Kazakh people who do not own the songs of Shamshi Kaldayakov. Students […]

На архитектурном отделении прошла встреча студентов с выпускниками

На архитектурном отделении Костанайского строительного колледжа в рамках  общереспубликанского  урока на тему «Современный Казахстан. Уроки лидерства Елбасы»  организована  встреча студентов с выпускниками нашего колледжа, которые продолжили работу по специальности. Также был приглашен на встречу  директор студии “Detali Князьков Александр Алексеевич,  который отметил хорошую подготовку работающих  у него выпускников колледжа по специальности дизайн и архитектура. Александр […]

Мастер производственного обучения Сошкин А. В. стал “Мастером года – 2019”!

28 -29 ноября т. г. состоялся областной этап конкурса «Мастер года-2019» среди мастеров производственного обучения организаций технического и профессионального образования Костанайской области. Организатором конкурса выступило Управление образования акимата Костанайской области, методический кабинет технического и профессионального образования. Цель конкурса – совершенствование творческого и педагогического мастерства мастеров производственного обучения при подготовке конкурентоспособных специалистов, повышение статуса профессии, обобщение […]