In Kostanay Construction College on the eve of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the PTSK social and economic disciplines week was held.

Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, this holiday is considered to be a symbol of freedom and power of our state. Since independence, our people have brilliantly continued the great history of Kazakhstan with new achievements and successful transformations.

Within the framework of the subject week, open lessons and extracurricular activities were held, in the preparation and conduct of which teachers of the CEC and college students took an active part.

The goal of the subject week is to increase the professional skills and creative potential of teachers, to develop students’ significant personal qualities.

The teacher of economic disciplines Nazarkenova K.Zh. held an open lesson on the subject “Fundamentals of a market economy and production management” in the group 318 ARX-3 on the topic: “Management – a modern management system.” The teacher used the group form of education. During the lesson K.ZH. Nazarkenova skillfully used modern teaching methods and techniques: “Jigsaw”, “Associations”, “Question-Answer”. “Chain”, “Sinkwein”, “Projects”, “Brainstorming”, “My opinion” ”and others.

While solving situational problems, students showed their knowledge of economics, as well as creativity and ability to find a way out of difficult situations.

Under the leadership of Aysina AG an extracurricular event was held: “I am a SuperBoss!”. Form of extracurricular activities – a business game.

3 teams participated in the game: “Lightning” (324 MEOSG-3), “Street” (325 VTiPO-3),

“Majors” (328 Arch-3).

The following young teachers were invited as a jury: Bezgan D.Yu., Akmanbetov B.D., Semenov O.A. Taking into account the subject of the game, the jury members were represented as a very competent competitive commission on the selection of candidates for vacancies.

The leaders and assistants of the game: Dietrich S. (332 SEZS-2), Puschina K. (331 D-2), Taglinova A. (332 SEZS-2), Panchenko D. (340 SEZS-1) were presented by the game organizer as PR-managers (public relations- public relations; effective communication between the employer and society).

The business game consisted of 7 competitions:

  1. “Resume” – a training contest in self-assessment and self-presentation (characterization or interpretation of a team by the names of participants and by name).
  2. “Instructing” – drawing up a comic step-by-step instruction by team members on the proposed topics.
  3. “Aerobatics- (5th)” – a test for team captains: “I am the most …”.
  4. “Reframing” – the development of positive views on the proposed option.
  5. “Intonation” – to depict various emotions, uttering the same phrase “Congratulations on winning the lottery!”
  6. “Situational management” – to find the right way out of the proposed situation in the enterprise.
  7. “Business etiquette” —for each team were offered 5 questions from the Rules of Business

The audience was also not bored: they participated in the “Instructing” and “Reframing” competitions. At the end of the game, the most active spectators were awarded in 3 nominations:

  • The wisest
  • Most creative
  • Most business

The game was fun and with enthusiasm: the guys showed a strong imagination and sparkling humor in preparing for each competition.

A great educational interest among students was caused by the event “My President”, which was simultaneously devoted to two State holidays: the Day of the First President and the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Active participation in the preparation and conduct of an open extra-curricular event was taken by students of group 332 of SEZS-2: Didrikh S., Gapich A., Pak A., Hasanov N., Sheludko D., Taglinova A., Kozbakov R., Habsaddarov A., a also a teacher of social sciences Nichubay E.V., librarians Velgosha G.V., Bagrova N.E.

Special attention during the event was paid to the Address of the President N.A. Nazarbayeva to the people of Kazakhstan “Growth of the welfare of Kazakhstanis: improving incomes and quality of life,” in which the President directly appeals to the younger generation.

Interesting information could be found in the thematic book exhibition “My Prizident” prepared by the event organizers.

In conclusion, the librarian Velgosha G.V. held an intellectual quiz “Era of Independence”, dedicated to the modern history of Kazakhstan.

Winners of the intellectual quiz steel: Gavrikova A, student c. 243 ARH-1 and student 344 D-1 Dudukalova N., who scored the most points.

On December 14, an open extra-curricular event took place – the intellectual game “My Kazakhstan is my Fatherland”, which was organized and held by Musina L.M.

The game was attended by teams of groups No. 341 VTiPO-1, 335 VTiPO-2, 336 MEOSG-2.

The game was accompanied by a demonstration of the video about the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the presentation of the game, a song to the verses of N.A. Nazarbayev.

At the beginning of the event, Devetyarov G., the winner of the international tourist rally “Europe and Asia”, sang the author’s song “On his native land.”

The game is organized from several rounds: the first round is the presentation of teams, the second round is the Blitz survey “My Kazakhstan is my Fatherland” and the third round included several categories: “Marathon on the map of Kazakhstan”, “Unusual names”, “Chronology” “History of Kostanay Construction College”.

A photo exhibition of the work of the students of the “Malaya Rodina – Kostanay land” college was organized as a design.

According to the results of the game, the team of the group No. 341 VTiPO-1 scored the highest number of points; it took the 1st place, the 2nd place was taken by the team of the group 335 VTiPO-2, .3 the team of 336 MEOSG-2

The teams were awarded certificates of honor. The game was lively, at a good pace. Students showed great interest, showed good knowledge, solid preliminary training.

The final concert of the subject week was the gala concert program: “Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

College Director A.Zh. Shamshin and Chairman of the Central Control Center E.V. Nichubay congratulated the teaching staff, staff and students of the College on Independence Day and presented certificates of honor to students who took an active part in organizing and conducting the subject week of the social-engineering center of social and economic disciplines.

College activists presented an interesting, meaningful holiday program.