On December 10, 2018, within the framework of the Subject Week of the Social Control Center of Social and Economic Disciplines, as well as on the eve of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an open out-of-class event was held at the library of the Kostanay Construction College. The purpose of the event: to expand students’ knowledge about the institution of the presidency and the status of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to reveal the role of President N.А. Nazarbayeva in the formation and development of an independent democratic state.

Active participation in the preparation and conduct of the event was taken by the students of group No. 332 of the SEZS-2: Didrikh S., Gapich A., Pak A., Hasanov N., Sheludko D., Taglinova A., Kozbakov R., Habsaddarov A., as well as social sciences teacher Nichubay E.V., librarians Velgosha G.V., Bagrova N.E.

The participants of the event introduced the audience with the constitutional status of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the presidency institute, the main stages of the life of N.A. Nazarbayev, revealed the unique facets of his personality, focused on the successes of Kazakhstan over the past 27 years, achieved under the leadership of the President. Special attention during the event was paid to the Address of the President N.A. Nazarbayeva to the people of Kazakhstan “Growth of the welfare of Kazakhstanis: improving incomes and quality of life,” in which the President directly appeals to the younger generation.

The audience was particularly impressed by the video “Elim Menin” on the words by N.A. Nazarbayev.

In conclusion, the librarian Velgosha G.V. held an intellectual quiz “Era of Independence”, dedicated to the modern history of Kazakhstan. The winners of the intellectual quiz were: Gavrikova A, a student of group No. 243 ARH-1 and Dudukalova A., a student of group No. 344 D-1, who scored the most points.

The head of state and today successfully fulfills its historic mission, ensuring the unity of the nation, stability and sustainability of development of Kazakhstan. Generations of the future have yet to deeply comprehend and realize the role of Nursultan Nazarbayev as the Leader of the Nation.