On December 5, 2018, in the framework of the anti-corruption action plan, a lesson was given on the training “Together against corruption”.

This event was held in order to form an anti-corruption outlook, increase the level of legal awareness and the legal culture of students.

The teachers of Velgosha G.V., Nichubay E.V., librarian Bagrova N.Ye. The event was attended by students of group number 337 WTIPO -2.

It should be noted that the promotion of knowledge about corruption among students was also timed to the International Day for the Fight against Corruption, which is annually celebrated by all UN member countries – December 9th.

During the conversation, which was accompanied by a presentation, the students discussed issues such as what is corruption, the level of corruption in Kazakhstan, the consequences of corruption, the negative effects that corruption has on various spheres of society.

Students independently carried out the task: resolved life situations, and how to act in the proposed conditions.

During the event, students came to the conclusion that corruption is a two-way street. If there are those who take, then surely there are those who give. And it is necessary to fight in all directions.

At the end of the event, all students received information booklets on anti-corruption culture.