On November 14, 2018, as part of the anti-corruption action plan, an oral journal was held on the Topic: “types of corruption”.

The problem of corruption is urgent for our country and every year it becomes more and more alarming. The scale of corruption is not decreasing, but increasing, so the information about this problem is important and necessary for students.
The purpose of this event was to characterize the concepts of “corruption”, “corruption”, to acquaint with the forms and types of manifestations of corruption, its consequences, as well as the rules of criminal liability for corruption.

It should be noted that the promotion of knowledge about corruption among students was also timed to the International day against corruption, which is celebrated annually by all UN member States – December 9.

Prepared and conducted the event, a law lecturer

Velgosha G. V., librarian Bagrov N. E. Active participation in the conduct of the oral magazine of students of the group № 329 ARCH-2, curator Filatova E. V., and group # 335 computing and software – 2, curator Uaisova M. M.

One of the pages of the magazine was represented by bychkovskaya Juliana-historian, she revealed the history of corruption.  Aisin Raim-philologist, introduced students to the term and meaning of the word “corruption”. To the questions: “what does corruption depend on?”, “What does corruption entail?”said the sociologist Almukhametov Damir.  Legal liability for corruption offenses introduced lawyer Duisekeev region.

It was interesting to hear the students ‘opinion when answering the question:” What would you offer to fight corruption if you were the President of the country?”.

Many came to the conclusion: first of all, you need to start with yourself and demand the elimination of corruption from others. Then in the eyes of others will increase the authority, faith and respect for the structures of power, society is aware of the need to fight corruption.