This academic year, teachers of special disciplines of Kostanay construction College, working at the architectural Department, decided during the academic year to exhibit their creative works in the walls of their native College, thereby inspiring their students to creative victories. Exhibitions of this kind are a new innovative stage in the teaching activities of the College.

Landscape – beloved genre of the Vines of V. Budakovo, teacher of special disciplines. Within the walls of the College, the opening of the personal exhibition of the teacher, called ” silk road watercolors.”

Landscapes are painted by many artists. For some – this is a kind of eye training: the ability to preserve the sharpness of color; for others – the landscape can be a search for the background for the planned composition; others – write a natural environment where nature-the place of action of the heroes of the picture, and the landscape is entirely “subordinated” to her plan. But there are those for whom the image of nature is the meaning of creativity. This is a special category of people who can only in the landscape most fully and deeply Express their feelings, their thoughts, their attitude. Landscape is one of the most emotional genres of art. It can not be mastered without a sincere love for nature, and only a deeply experienced impression gives birth to a work in which the viewer, after the artist, can see in the long – familiar and everyday-something strikingly new and exciting. The teacher, devoted to the “pure” nature and all his creativity it confirms the value and importance of everyday, simple, long-surrounding nature.

Liana Viacheslavovna writes from life, bypassing the stage of sketches and preparatory studies, finding “picturesqueness” in the most modest, unassuming motive. Accurately capturing the color structure and color of nature, it conveys them with convincing reliability on paper and silk, which allows you to create a sense of truthfulness and naturalness. All the works of the teacher convey transparency, lightness and airiness, as it should be watercolors.  Modest, compared with the beauty of other latitudes, the nature of the middle band, requires the artist’s special aesthetic sense. Have long to look at, a lot to analyze and learn the language of watercolor to create an emotional image. The works of Liana Viacheslavovna are distinguished by finely nuanced color shades, here light touches of the brush with a transparent colorful layer are adjacent to the bright color of the poppy, and all together fused into the finest picturesque fabric that lives, breathes and evokes a response to this lyrical confession of watercolor painting.

Liana Budakova often uses valeur painting: the transition from one color to another is subtle tonal gradations. It is written in almost all the paintings. Teacher working for the second year in College, generously share their skills, students under her leadership participate in all creative competitions and exhibitions, in 2017, student Lapshina Anastasia, was awarded a diploma “Zhas Tolkyn”, in 2018, a diploma of 2 degree awarded fourth-year student Valeria weaver.

The passion of the teacher is inexhaustible, it helps her to find painting motifs where many pass by without delaying her gaze. Her ability to turn prose into poetry brings to mind the famous statement of N. In. Gogol: “The subject usually, the higher you need to be a poet, to extract from it the extraordinary” … it Seems that these words have a direct relationship to Diana V. Budakovo.