Deputy akim of the region on October 24, 2018 in Kostanay with the participation of Zhundubaev S. K. held a seminar on the topic:”language is the key to the knowledge of the soul of the people.” – the event was attended by students of Kostanay construction College,namely students from 5 PNNA theme Jannat,Nurgaliyev Bagdad,Fazylov Salamat,student group 343АРХ Amanzholova Aidan,Ismadiyarov Kymbat.Active representatives and youth of other nationalities from different regions of the Republic ,youth,students, employees of educational institutions of Kostanay region took part in this forum.The theme of the forum is head of state N. Ah. B. Nazarbayev In his Message to the people of Kazakhstan of 5 October 2018 the “Year of youth” the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev welcomed the announcement 2019 “Year of youth”., in support of development initiatives

There are four platforms, on each of the guests.

This year the students of our College visited the newly opened specialized school-Lyceum-boarding school of information technologies “Ozat”.After that, the Palace of culture” Miras ” held a plenary session. Deputy akim of Jandibaev

other works also made a congratulatory speech.At the end of the forum there was a performance of a song.

Students of our College were awarded certificates and got a special impression.