11.10.2018 in Kostanay construction College in the framework of the action plan on combating corruption was organized a training on the topic:”Formation of anti-corruption policy among young people.” The training was prepared and conducted by the cadets of the 3rd year in Kostanay Academy of the Ministry of internal Affairs of RK named after sh Kabylbaeva orders of Tamerlane, Tyranov Erlan, Amangeldiyev Nurgisa, Dildabekov Doszhan.

The event was attended by students of group № 325 computing and software-3 and group No. 330, ARCHITECT-2 to 30 persons.

This event was held in order to form an anti-corruption Outlook, improve the level of legal awareness and legal culture of students.

During the event, students came to the conclusion that corruption weakens the rule of law, leads to violation of human rights, worsens the quality of life. And the fight against corruption is the duty of every citizen and it is necessary to show an active civil position.