14 Oct 2018. the stadium Kostanay construction College championship to overcome a militarized obstacle course among military-Patriotic clubs Kotniski region included in a “Kostanay regional branch of Public Association “Federation of military sport clubs” RK.

It was attended by military-Patriotic clubs of Kostanay, Fedorovsky districts, as well as the city of Kostanay.  The championship was held in two age categories: boys 14-15 years and boys 16-17 years.

The weather did not spoil the participants: in the morning it was drizzling rain, and then, at times, it was snowing with gusty wind, which of course complicated the passage of the distance on the strip. But the cold wind could not extinguish the heat of the struggle.

Eventually competitions among youth of 16-17 years became Champions cadets of military industrial complex “Typhoon”. In second place – MIC “Scout” Kostanay agricultural College, the third military-industrial complex “Berkut” in Kostanay vocational and technical College. The best in the standings here were: 1 place –Karimov Daniel (military-industrial complex “Typhoon”), 2 – the place of Intonow M. (VPK “Scout”), the third was a cadet Lugovsky Ilya (MIC “Typhoon”).

The Champions in the age category of 14-15 years were cadets of the defense industry “Typhoon”, the second – the guys from the defense industry” Berkut”, the third – cadets of the defense industry”Scout”. In personal offset of a place were distributed as follows: 1st place went to Cadet Valleys Igor (MIC “eagle”), the second – trainee Seedorf Roman (military-industrial complex “Berkut”), the third was won by cadet Daniel Nazaruk (MIC “Typhoon”).

Special thanks I want to Express to the judging panel in the face of officers of emergency Department of Kostanay region major Tokelove Kurmangazy, Lieutenant Hamit Nurseit and veterans-internationalists Afghanistan Kharchenko A. N., Plotnikov A. G., K. A. Kamalbekovna