In Kostanay construction College loudly and in a big way celebrated teacher’s Day. For our teachers, first-year students independently organized a festive program.

The concert program included a flash mob, dances, songs, playing musical instruments, but the highlight of the evening was an interactive program – an analogue of the Project of the first channel – “Evening Urgant”. The idea seemed to the audience quite bold, given the fact that to portray on the stage of the most popular leading Russia was not so easy. At the end of the program, the hall again exploded with applause, when the freshmen performed the song Basta – “Samsara” and in the end, putting out the light in the hall, the crowd went on stage with burning lights in their hands.

On behalf of management, congratulated the Deputy Director of education Safonova Galina, she once again recalled the importance of the teaching work and presented certificates of appreciation to the three teachers.

In addition, the College announced a competition of postcards, which was attended by 13 groups. In its projects, the children painted, glued, collected herbaria, wrote poetry, and recognition.

Teacher’s day is over, but the warmth in our hearts is forever with us!