From 13 to 15 September 2018goda in the recreation camp “Altyngul” was held regional meeting of military-Patriotic clubs “Zhas Asker”, which was attended by 15 best military-Patriotic clubs of Kostanay region. The organizers of the meeting was KSU “Regional center for the development of additional education of Kostanay region”.

Upon arrival at the place of the rally, the cadets pitched a field camp from tents, solemnly opened the rally and immediately began to compete in the afternoon. In total for three days cadets competed in eight types of competitions: shooting from an air rifle, dismantling-Assembly of the AK-74 machine gun, a complex of power exercises ( pulling up (young men), a press(girls), the militarized cross, the militarized relay, putting on a gas mask and OZK, tug of war, creative competition. The peculiarity of this meeting was that the judges in the types of competitions were the heads of clubs. Weather and General mood of the participants allowed to hold the meeting at a high level.

In total, uncompromising, hard against the cadets of the military-industrial complex “Typhoon” were third behind the leaders just one point. In personal offset the student of Alshinbaev Temujin took second place, and cadet Bekmurzin Sayat-third place, military cross. Cadet Bonk Nadezhda also took third place in the paramilitary cross in the standings. Now, following the results of this meeting of clubs, the team of Kostanay region will be formed for the Republican meeting of the military-industrial complex “aybyn”, which will be held in June 2019 at the “Spassk! Karaganda region.

Congratulations to our guys and girls with the prize! We’re in the top three!