In the framework of preventive work and OPM “Teenager”, in order to improve the level of legal literacy and civic culture; development of ideas about the rights, duties and consequences of illegal acts; education of a sense of responsibility for their actions.    4.09.2018 in Kostanay construction College was organized and held a working line at the offices. In the line took part the Deputy Director for BP Inertia G. S., heads of departments, curators, students of 1-2 courses. Guest of the event police major yuop ATC Kostanai Abisheva S. T., reported on the implementation of OPM “Teenager” with 28.08.18 for 5.09.18. In this period, the PPP, the law enforcement agencies are strengthening and raids across the city and region.  She reminded the audience about the rights, duties and consequences of offenses, elaborated on the articles of the criminal and administrative code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.    Inertia G. S.  she focused the attention of students on the observance of internal regulations, the need to attend classes, and the inadmissibility of violations of discipline and public order.  Coverage of students in this work was 330 people.