“Program “Rouhani air” – a large-scale project at the national level, initiated by the Head of state. It is unique in that it affects all spheres of life.

On April 12, 2017, the article of the Head of state of Kazakhstan aimed at the modernization of public consciousness was published. To preserve and increase spiritual and cultural values — that is the main goal of the programme article of the President “Bolashakka Badar: Rouhani Gair” (“Course to the future: spiritual renewal”).

Affecting major aspects of the program “Rouhani Jair” in our College conducted several activities that were aimed at the formation of a new Patriotic consciousness.

With great enthusiasm, students of the Architectural Department together with their teachers Shcherbina Svetlana Vladimirovna and Govorkov Dmitry Vadimovich took up the production of more than 30 models of sacred places in Kazakhstan. This hard work was carried out in cooperation with the regional Museum. The administration and employees of the Museum kindly provided us with all the necessary materials, this drawings and photographs, as well as historical data that are so useful in the work. When performing this operation, the guys comprehensively developed and enriched their knowledge of the history of his native land, his native land. It was a great practice, a great immersion in the historical past of our ancestors. The guys were doing in the classroom with their teachers and remained after classes. Because they wanted to see their result, they had already seen that, moving from layout to layout from simple to complex, as their skill grows. Yes, and during this work, all very strongly rallied, because in this creative team worked 2-4 year students, both designers and architects.

This is a great work and a great responsibility for our students, designers and architects, not only to perform, but to perform them in historical accuracy, as it was: the mausoleum of Keiki Batyr (Nurmagambet Kokembaev) – one of the most active and legendary personalities in the history of the national liberation movement of 1916; burial place of Amangeldy Imanov, in the village of Amangeldy; The mausoleum in honor of Abdigappar Khan, city Arkalyk, village Zhanakala stands a snow-white mausoleum in honor of Abdigappar Khan – the leader of the national liberation movement of 1916, built by his descendants in 2010; the mausoleum of Mirzhakyp Dulatov; the Mausoleum of Ibray Altynsarin Ibrahim Altynsarin (1841 -1889) was a Kazakh educator, educator, ethnographer, writer, inspector of public schools of Turgay region, the founder of the first Russian-Kazakh school in Kustanai, and many other Holy places of our region.

All layouts after its manufacture were transferred to the exposure and found its rightful place in the regional Museum and the regional center “Rouhani gear”. Now all lovers of the history of the region and guests of our region can see by visiting these places.

The spiritual component is important in the political and economic processes taking place in the world. It gives us strength, faith, inviolability and inviolability of all the foundations of life. And for our young state and young people, whom we publish with the wealth of knowledge lies the Foundation of all the foundations .
The President of the country directs us to preserve the historical heritage, awareness of the integrity, identity, inviolability of our state, which was created and defended by our ancestors. Today, each of us is required to make a contribution to its further development.