Professional practice is an essential component of the educational program.

 The results of the passage of professional practices were discussed at the round table “Analysis of practice” with participation of heads of practice groups 302 SEZS-3, 308 SEZS-2s, 1 SEZS-2s, 292 VTiPO-4, 294 MEOSG-4, 290 SECS-4, 303 SEZS-3c.

During the discussion were the issues of professional opportunities of our students, businesses related to trainees, the positive and negative aspects of the relationship company-college, venture interest in young professionals and others.

The leaders shared their experience of working practices, production skills. In addition, time spent in practice, managers: Sirkin A.F., S.N. Tsybanenko, Aitzhanov M.B, were trained on the study of new technologies in construction.

With great interest discussed the resumption of student construction team during the summer holidays, at the construction site of LLP “BK-STORY” in the new format. This practice will give students an opportunity to improve skills and make money.

From all the above stated, the leaders of practices in the workplace, and will continue to improve your experience at the enterprises of the social partners.