The project “Infolesson” gave a start to the autumn season, the most popular international distance competition in 2016 for the 28 subjects of the school program. Students are expected again a fascinating journey into the world of intellectual adventures and victories.

In these competitions annually participate college students.

Under the guidance of the teacher of computer science Mammedova Maya Ivadovna students of specialty “Computer Science and Software” tried their hand. At the end of the Olympiad students of VTiPO 325-1 awarded diplomas:

1st place – Maxim Ryumin,

3rd place – Takaev Daud.

The Olympiad in Physics under the leadership of Chairman CCP natural and mathematical sciences Alchimbaeva Kalamkas Tleubergenovna attended by more than 40 first-year students “Architecture” specialties, “Installation and operation of gas supply systems equipment”, “Design (on profile)”, “Construction and operation of buildings and structures. “

In this direction, the winners were:

1st place – Kazhi Asylzhan (c 319 Arch-1.)

1st place – Aldiyar Manatov (319 gr Arch-1.)

1st place – Sabyrzhanova Camila (320 g L-1.)

1st place – Shaymuhambetov Abay (324 gr MEOSG-1.)

1st place – Veremenko Sergei (324 gr MEOSG-1.)

2nd place – Maxim Bochulya (324 gr MEOSG-1.)

2nd place – Salyanka Anastasia (320 g L-1.)

3rd place – Makhrova Irina (319 gr Arch-1.)

3rd place – Tleubayev Damir (319 gr Arch-1.)

3rd place – Ahkobekova Anela (c 328 Arch-1.)

3rd place – Anna Tarasenko (320 g L-1.)

3rd place – Plyuscheva Valery (320 g L-1.)

3rd place – Kutischeva Daria (324 gr MEOSG-1.)

Students who didn’t win, received certificates of participants of the International Olympiads. For active participation in the project for teachers “Infolesson” Alchimbaeva K.T. Mamedova M. marked with letters of thanks.

Congratulations to our young experts, and wish them further victories!