From 19 to 21 October 2016 in the Kostanay Construction College was held Football competitions on “Golden Autumn 2016”. The tournament was attended by teams of architectural, technical, construction offices and team remote offices and accounting, students are enrolled in the state program “Serpіn- 2050”.

Games were held in a circular system. The team consists of 7 field players and one goalkeeper. In three days of intense and uncompromising struggle, winning all matches with goal difference – 19 goals scored and 7 missed, the first place was taken by a friendly team building department. In second place – the team of architectural department, the third – the team technical department.

The fourth and fifth place was taken by the team “Serpіn-2050” and the team of distance education and accounting.

The best players of the tournament recognized: goalkeeper – Abishev Mirlanbek defender – Manat Aldiyar striker – Riabchenko Vyacheslav, scorer – Amangildinov Nursultan.