22-24 September 2016 camp “Altyngul” took 40th anniversary open regional meeting of tourists, “Golden Autumn – 2016”. MIC “Typhoon” put on a meeting 2 teams: “A” class and class “B”.

On the first day of the competition, participants overcame tourist obstacle course. It was necessary in a strictly limited amount of time to pass 9 stages tourist obstacles. After the team ran stellar start in stages, and already after 3 hours of preparation have been known to fly off commands. Our team “Typhoon – 1” won the 3rd prize.

On the second day the tourists competed in the relay. Each team member should have been able to overcome the bumps on the swamp, find the azimuth of the target, to show knowledge of the tourist sites and topoznaks, Pendulum overcome ravine. And all this with a load behind – 5-liter capacity with water. Our team worthy of fighting for the top places. The team “Typhoon – 1” as a result of the relay was to take 2nd place, but due to force majeure (the strait of water), it moved to 4th place, which did not allow the team to take overall prize.

He distinguished himself at a rally of the captain of our team “Typhoon – 2” – Sergei Akhmetov, who won the competition in 1st place among the team captains.

Weather and Nature favored gatherings: it was quiet and beautiful in the autumn forest. Students received a charge of positive energy, and this is most important.