20-21 September 2016 on the basis of military unit 6697 of Kostanay was conducted the regional meeting “Jas ASKER” military-patriotic clubs, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of this event was the formation of the younger generation of deep feelings of Kazakhstan patriotism and loyalty to civic duty to protect their Motherland, the acquisition and consolidation of practical military and applied disciplines, strengthening of moral and volitional and physical qualities of pre-conscription youth.

The rally was attended by 11 military-patriotic clubs including the military-industrial complex “Typhoon”. The team consisted of 9 persons: 7 boys and 2 girls.

Within two days the boys competed in different types of competitions:

drill, first aid, disassembly and assembly of weapons, rifle shooting, civil defense, strength exercises, to overcome the obstacle, militarized cross-country competition of patriotic songs.

As a result of this event, “Typhoon” MIC team won the 1 team place and was awarded a diploma and a pendant for participation in the regional rally.

MIC “Typhoon” has won the right to represent the Kostanay region at the Republican rally “Aibyn” MIC in June 2017.